FluentFiction - Mandarin Chinese

Exploring Forbidden Secrets of the Zijin Cheng

FluentFiction - Mandarin Chinese

13m 51sJanuary 3, 2025

Exploring Forbidden Secrets of the Zijin Cheng

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  • 紫禁城的天空飘着细细的雪,红色的城墙和金色的屋顶在冬天的白色背景下显得格外耀眼。

    The sky above the Zijin Cheng was filled with a fine snow, and the red walls and golden roofs stood out strikingly against the winter's white backdrop.

  • 春节的装饰随处可见,增加了几分喜庆的气息。

    Decorations for the Chunjie were everywhere, adding a joyful atmosphere.

  • 许多游客在这里拍照,试图捕捉这座皇宫的岁月痕迹。

    Many tourists were taking photos, trying to capture the traces of time of this imperial palace.

  • 明是一个充满好奇心的导游,他热衷于发现历史遗迹中的未知。

    Ming is a tour guide with a lot of curiosity, passionate about discovering the unknown in historical sites.

  • 今天,他带着好友丽芬来到了这里,这个旗帜鲜明的地方。

    Today, he brought his friend Lifen to this remarkable place.

  • 明讲述着有关紫禁城的种种历史,丽芬则安静地跟在后面,偶尔插上一两句话。

    Ming talked about various historical aspects of the Zijin Cheng, while Lifen quietly followed, occasionally adding a word or two.

  • "传说紫禁城有一些秘密通道,"明用低沉的声音说道,眼中闪烁着兴奋的光芒。

    "Legend has it that the Zijin Cheng has some secret passages," Ming said in a low voice, his eyes shining with excitement.

  • 丽芬皱了皱眉,说:"我们还是走常规路线吧,别惹麻烦。

    Lifen frowned and said, "Let's stick to the regular route and avoid trouble."

  • "但明已经注意到一处鲜为人知的小门,他的探索精神一下子被点燃了。

    But Ming had already noticed a little-known small door, instantly igniting his spirit of exploration.

  • 虽然丽芬心里有些担心,但为了不置身事外,她还是跟着明进了那扇小门。

    Although Lifen was a bit worried, she followed Ming through the small door, unwilling to be left out.

  • 他们发现了一条隐藏在墙壁下的过道,走在其中,墙壁上还残留着古老的浮雕,像是在讲述过去的故事。

    They found a passage hidden beneath the wall, and as they walked, ancient reliefs still lingered on the walls, as if telling stories of the past.

  • 但通道里设有警报装置,走不远便听到了声音。

    However, the passage had alarm systems, and soon they heard a sound.

  • 就在这时,一名保安突然出现。

    At that moment, a security guard suddenly appeared.

  • 明和丽芬都愣住了,以为惹上了不小的麻烦。

    Ming and Lifen were stunned, thinking they had gotten into serious trouble.

  • “老朋友,没想到在这里见到你!

    "Old friend, never expected to see you here!"

  • ”保安竟是明以前的同事,他放声大笑。

    The security guard turned out to be Ming's former colleague, and he burst out laughing.

  • 保安并没有为难他们,只是好奇地看着他们。

    The security guard did not give them a hard time, merely curiously observing them.

  • 明解释说,他们只是被好奇心驱动。

    Ming explained that they were just driven by curiosity.

  • 保安笑着告诉他们这条通道的历史,它通向一个特别的角落,曾是皇帝的秘密书房。

    The security guard laughed and told them about the passage's history; it led to a special corner that used to be the emperor's secret study.

  • “下次小心些,”保安提醒道,但语气中却是好友间的宽容。

    "Be more careful next time," the security guard reminded them, but his tone was one of friendly leniency.

  • 他们道谢后,被保安带回了旅游路线。

    After thanking him, they were led back to the tourist route.

  • 在离开紫禁城时,明沉思着:“有时候,遵守规则也是一种发现的美。

    As they left the Zijin Cheng, Ming pondered, "Sometimes, following the rules is a beauty of discovery in itself."

  • ”而丽芬也感叹道:“偶尔冒险,似乎能看到不一样的风景。

    And Lifen reflected, "Occasionally taking risks seems to offer a different view."

  • ”最终,他们都从这次冒险中学到了什么。

    Ultimately, they each learned something from this adventure.

  • 明学会了珍惜规则的重要性,而丽芬则在心底滋生了一点冒险的火苗。

    Ming learned the importance of cherishing rules, while Lifen felt a small spark of adventure growing in her heart.

  • 在春节将至的这一天,他们彼此有了更多的理解和欣赏。

    On this day, with the Chunjie approaching, they gained more understanding and appreciation of each other.