The Midsummer Maypole: Friendship, Competition, and Triumph
FluentFiction - Swedish
The Midsummer Maypole: Friendship, Competition, and Triumph
Mitt i sommaren var staden Stockholm ljus som guld.
In the middle of summer, the city of Stockholm was as bright as gold.
Solen sov aldrig.
The sun never slept.
Staden var full av glädje och firande.
The city was full of joy and celebration.
Här bodde Erik, Sofia och Alexander.
Here lived Erik, Sofia, and Alexander.
De var bästa vänner.
They were best friends.
De älskade midsommar.
They loved Midsummer.
Mest av allt, älskade de majstångstävlingen.
Most of all, they loved the Maypole competition.
På midsommardagen samlades alla vid Stadsparken.
On Midsummer's Day, everyone gathered at the City Park.
Där stod den statliga majstången.
There stood the state Maypole.
Man skulle klättra upp på den.
The goal was to climb up it.
Den snabbaste vinnaren fick en vacker krans.
The fastest winner received a beautiful wreath.
Erik, Sofia och Alexander var alltid med.
Erik, Sofia, and Alexander were always there.
Erik var stark.
Erik was strong.
Han var snabb.
He was fast.
Men Sofia var modig.
But Sofia was brave.
Hon gav aldrig upp.
She never gave up.
Alexander var smart.
Alexander was smart.
Han tänkte alltid före.
He always thought ahead.
Årets tävling började med skratt och musik.
This year's competition started with laughter and music.
Alla tre stod vid foten av majstången.
All three stood at the base of the Maypole.
Erik klämde fast sina fötter.
Erik gripped it tightly.
Sofia tog ett djupt andetag.
Sofia took a deep breath.
Alexander lade en plan.
Alexander made a plan.
Signalen ljöd.
The signal sounded.
Alla tre började klättra.
All three started climbing.
Erik var kraftig och snabb.
Erik was powerful and quick.
Han var först uppåt.
He was the first to go up.
Men Sofia gav inte upp.
But Sofia didn't give up.
Hon klättrade stadigt.
She climbed steadily.
Alexander tog det lugnt.
Alexander took it easy.
Han letade efter bästa vägen upp.
He looked for the best way up.
Men så hände något.
But then something happened.
En fågel kom flygande.
A bird came flying.
Den flög rakt mot Erik.
It flew straight towards Erik.
Erik förlorade balansen.
Erik lost his balance.
Han föll ner.
He fell down.
Alla tittade chockade.
Everyone looked shocked.
Men Erik var okay.
But Erik was okay.
Han skrattade bara.
He just laughed.
Sofia såg sin chans.
Sofia saw her chance.
Hon klättrade snabbt, utan att titta ner.
She climbed quickly, without looking down.
Hon närmade sig toppen.
She was approaching the top.
Men då såg hon Alexander bredvid sig.
But then she saw Alexander beside her.
Han hade valt den lättaste vägen upp.
He had chosen the easiest route up.
Han var nära toppen.
He was close to the top.
Det blev en kamp på toppen.
There was a battle at the top.
Sofia försökte nå snabbare.
Sofia tried to reach it faster.
Men Alexander tog det lugnt.
But Alexander stayed calm.
Han visste att han skulle nå.
He knew he would make it.
Och så gjorde han det.
And he did.
Han var den första på toppen.
He was the first at the top.
Alexander vann tävlingen.
Alexander won the competition.
Men ingen var ledsen.
But nobody was sad.
De firade honom.
They celebrated him.
Erik skrattade.
Erik laughed.
Sofia kramade Alexander.
Sofia hugged Alexander.
De alla dansade runt majstången.
They all danced around the Maypole.
Nästa dag stod majstången tom.
The next day, the Maypole stood empty.
Men vännerna glömde aldrig den dagen.
But the friends never forgot that day.
De pratade om den.
They talked about it.
De skrattade om den.
They laughed about it.
De väntade på nästa midsommar.
They waited for the next Midsummer.
Och så fortsatte deras vänskap, stark som Stockholm i midnattssolen.
And so their friendship continued, strong as Stockholm in the midnight sun.