Unexpected Holiday Magic: St. Lucia's Eve at the Orphanage
FluentFiction - Norwegian
Unexpected Holiday Magic: St. Lucia's Eve at the Orphanage
Det var en klar og kjølig kveld i Oslo.
It was a clear and chilly evening in Oslo.
Snøfnugg dalte stille ned over det gamle barnehjemmet, som lå i en fredelig krok av byen.
Snowflakes drifted silently down over the old orphanage, located in a peaceful nook of the city.
Inngangen var pyntet med grønne granbar med lys, og det lukket til de spennende tidene med St. Lucia's feiring.
The entrance was decorated with green fir branches with lights, hinting at the exciting times of St. Lucia's celebration.
Inne i barnehjemmet var Sindre og Ingrid i full gang med sine hemmelige planer.
Inside the orphanage, Sindre and Ingrid were busy with their secret plans.
De ønsket å overraske barna med gaver.
They wanted to surprise the children with gifts.
Gleden de forestilte seg var stor, men de ønsket å gjøre det uten at barna oppdaget noe.
The joy they imagined was immense, but they wanted to do it without the children noticing anything.
Sindre, planleggeren, hadde foreslått at de skulle snike seg inn etter at barna sovnet.
Sindre, the planner, had suggested that they sneak in after the children had fallen asleep.
Ingrid, som alltid hadde en ny idé, mente at de kunne sette stemningen ved å benytte juledekorasjonene.
Ingrid, who always had a new idea, believed they could set the mood by using the Christmas decorations.
"Vi kan bruke lysene for å lage en magisk atmosfære," sa Ingrid med et smil.
"We can use the lights to create a magical atmosphere," said Ingrid with a smile.
"Så lenge vi ikke lager for mye lyd," svarte Sindre, litt skeptisk, men han var villig til å prøve noe nytt.
"As long as we don't make too much noise," replied Sindre, a bit skeptical, but he was willing to try something new.
Så de ventet til det ble sent.
So they waited until it was late.
Da alle lysene var slått av på barnehjemmet, snek Sindre og Ingrid seg inn med posene fulle av gaver.
When all the lights at the orphanage were turned off, Sindre and Ingrid sneaked in with bags full of gifts.
De listet seg gjennom korridorene, mens månen kastet et mykt lys gjennom vinduene.
They tiptoed through the corridors, while the moon cast a soft light through the windows.
Ingrid fant knappen for lysene og kunne ikke dy seg.
Ingrid found the button for the lights and couldn't resist.
Hun trykket på en knapp.
She pressed a button.
Til deres forskrekkelse begynte hele rommet å blinke med lys!
To their astonishment, the entire room began to flash with lights!
Fargerike lamper og snurrende dekorasjoner våknet til live.
Colorful lamps and spinning decorations came to life.
Og, som ikke det var nok, en stor oppblåsbar julenisse reiste seg i rommet med en høy "Ho-ho-ho!"
And, as if that wasn't enough, a large inflatable Santa Claus rose in the room with a loud "Ho-ho-ho!"
Barna, som fortsatt låg halvt i søvne, spratt ut av sengene sine.
The children, who were still half-asleep, jumped out of their beds.
De pilte ut i gangen, hvor de så den mest utrolige forestillingen.
They rushed out into the hallway, where they saw the most incredible spectacle.
Sindre og Ingrid sto midt i alt kaoset, begge litt blekere, men med et skyldig glimt i øynene.
Sindre and Ingrid stood in the midst of all the chaos, both a bit paler but with guilty glints in their eyes.
"Overraskelse?" hvisket Ingrid sjenert.
"Surprise?" whispered Ingrid shyly.
Barna begynte å le.
The children began to laugh.
Lyden fylte det gamle huset med varme og glede.
The sound filled the old house with warmth and joy.
Selv Sindre kunne ikke la være å le.
Even Sindre couldn't help but laugh.
Julelysene blinket fortsatt, og den oppblåsbare nissen vaiet vennlig.
The Christmas lights were still blinking, and the inflatable Santa swayed friendly.
Ingrid og Sindre innrømmet fort at de hadde ønsket å overraske barna.
Ingrid and Sindre quickly admitted that they wanted to surprise the children.
Selv om planen ikke gikk nøyaktig som de hadde tenkt, ble det en kveld de aldri ville glemme.
Although the plan didn't go exactly as they had thought, it turned into a night they would never forget.
De satte seg ned sammen med barna for å dele ut gavene, mens latteren fortsatt rungte i korridorene.
They sat down with the children to hand out the gifts while laughter still echoed in the corridors.
Sindre lærte at noen ganger kunne det beste være å slippe litt kontroll og nyte de uventede øyeblikkene.
Sindre learned that sometimes the best thing was to let go of a little control and enjoy the unexpected moments.
Ingrid forsto at en liten planlegging kunne gjøre spontane ideer enda bedre.
Ingrid understood that a little planning could make spontaneous ideas even better.
Sammen feiret de en lykkelig kveld, full av lys og glede.
Together they celebrated a happy evening, full of light and joy.
Det ble en uplanlagt men magisk start på feiringen av St. Lucia på barnehjemmet i Oslo.
It became an unplanned but magical start to the celebration of St. Lucia at the orphanage in Oslo.