Unity Beyond Distance: A Tokyo Tale of Friendship
FluentFiction - Japanese
Unity Beyond Distance: A Tokyo Tale of Friendship
One afternoon, three friends, Haruka, Yuuto, and Sakura, were having a video call from their respective homes in Tokyo.
Haruka's room with the view of the new Tokyo Tower in the background, Yuuto's apartment near Tokyo Station with noise audible, and Sakura's study lined with beloved old books. Three entirely different spaces were being united as one on the screen.
"久しぶりだね、皆。", 桜が口を開きました。その声は、動画がリンクする東京の三つの部屋を満たしました。
"It's been a while, everyone," Sakura spoke, her voice filling the video-linked spaces of the three rooms in Tokyo.
"桜、ビデオ通話にお辞儀する必要なんてないよ。" 悠人が笑いながら言いました。画面上で、桜が皆に対して丁寧に頭を下げていたのです。
"Sakura, you don't need to bow during a video call," Yuuto chuckled. On the screen, Sakura was bowing politely to everyone.
"私の育った習慣だよ。" 桜は恥ずかしそうに笑いました。しかし、遥は深く考え、桜の行動にいつも以上の意味があったのではないかと感じました。
"It's a habit from my upbringing," Sakura laughed, looking embarrassed. But Haruka thought deeply and felt that there might be more meaning to Sakura's actions than usual.
A few days later, Haruka's worry came true. A letter arrived from Sakura via airmail: "I am ill and it will be difficult to meet for a while."
After finishing reading the letter, Haruka remembered the video call incident. Was Sakura's bow that day a farewell? A scary premonition enveloped Haruka's heart.
"遥、我々には今、桜を助ける力があるんだ。" 悠人は真剣な表情で言いました。そして、三人で力を合わせ、桜の病気と戦うことを決めました。
"Haruka, we have the power to help Sakura now," Yuuto said with a serious expression. And so, the three of them decided to join forces to fight against Sakura's illness.
Haruka gathered information, Yuuto found a doctor, and they all did their best in their respective roles. Eventually, with the treatment they found, Sakura was able to embark on the road to recovery.
On the day their video call reconnected, Sakura bowed once again. But this time, it was not a farewell bow, but a bow of gratitude.
This story depicting the conflict and unity driven by friendship came to a close. The bond between the three friends overcame challenges, echoing laughter from the various rooms in Tokyo once again.