Gratitude Unveiled: Rediscovering the Significance of Human-Object Relationships
FluentFiction - Japanese
Gratitude Unveiled: Rediscovering the Significance of Human-Object Relationships
She stood on a quiet street corner, far from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo. It was a cold day, with snowflakes dancing in the air. Yuki bowed to a vending machine that morning. Her best friend, Akihiko, watched her every move.
「ユキ、何やってるの?」とアキヒコが声をかけると、ユキは戸惑いつつも応えた。「え? お金を入れてコーヒーを買って...あ、あれ?」ユキは自分の動きを振り返った。
"What are you doing, Yuki?" Akihiko asked. Yuki was puzzled but replied, "Huh? Putting money in to buy coffee...oh, wait?" Yuki looked back at her actions.
Instead of greeting a person, she had bowed to a vending machine. What was meant to be a simple greeting turned out to be directed towards a machine. "It's a bit strange, doesn't it?" Yuki laughed, feeling embarrassed.
Sora, who had been observing them from a distance, witnessed the whole thing and came up with a plan. His mind quickly formulated a strategy, and he approached Yuki and Akihiko. "Yuki, that's a vending machine. But...how about attempting an interesting challenge?" he proposed.
The challenge was to show gratitude towards objects instead of humans for the entire day. Yuki and Akihiko, though perplexed, decided to accept it as a fresh experience.
The three of them spent the day wandering the streets of Tokyo, bowing to various objects like vending machines, public telephones, streetlamps, and benches at the train station. However, they also attracted strange looks from people and became the subject of ridicule.
After school, Yuki tearfully confessed to Akihiko, "I can't do this anymore. It's so embarrassing..."
Hearing her, Akihiko comforted her and gently stroked her head. "But Yuki, we realized that expressing gratitude towards objects is harder than we thought, right?"
Yuki nodded in agreement with Akihiko's words. "You're right, I realized how much I rely on things in my life."
In the end, throughout that day, they learned the importance of gratitude towards the things they needed for their daily lives. And that experience became a precious day for Yuki, Akihiko, and Sora to rediscover the significance of human-object relationships and gratitude.