Lost & Found: Kids' Maze Adventure in Zagreb
FluentFiction - Croatian
Lost & Found: Kids' Maze Adventure in Zagreb
Sjedi Luka na staroj klupi u parku Zrinjevac i čeka svoju prijateljicu Petru.
Luka sits on an old bench in Zrinjevac park, waiting for his friend Petra.
Drveće je šuštalo lišćem, a sunce se polako spuštalo prema obzorju, bacajući zlatno svjetlo na stare ceste i trgove grada Zagreba.
The trees rustle with leaves and the sun slowly descends toward the horizon, casting a golden light on the old streets and squares of the city of Zagreb.
Ivan, Lukin stariji brat, bio je u blizini i promatrao golubove.
Ivan, Luka's older brother, was nearby watching the pigeons.
Petra je brzo stigla, nasmiješena i puna energije.
Petra arrived quickly, smiling and full of energy.
"Idemo u avanturu!
"Let's go on an adventure!"
" viknula je kroz smijeh.
she shouted with laughter.
Luka se pomalo neodlučno podigao sa klupe.
Luka got up from the bench, somewhat hesitantly.
"U redu," odgovorio je, "ali gdje?
"Okay," he replied, "but where to?"
""Starim gradom!
"To the old town!"
" Petra je već maštala o skrivenim prolazima i tajnim dvorištima.
Petra was already dreaming of hidden passages and secret courtyards.
Ivan ih je upozorio: "Pazite, lako se izgubiti u tim uskim uličicama.
Ivan warned them, "Be careful, it's easy to get lost in those narrow streets."
"Troje prijatelja krenulo je prema uličicama ispod Kaptola.
The three friends set off toward the streets beneath Kaptol.
Ulice su se uspinjale i spuštale, a svaki kutak je izgledao kao iz bajke.
The streets wound up and down, and every corner looked like something out of a fairy tale.
Kameni zidovi i starinske lampe govorili su priče stoljeća.
Stone walls and antique lamps told stories of centuries.
Zabava je kratko trajala kada su shvatili da se okreću u krug.
The fun was short-lived when they realized they were going in circles.
"Ali ovo je već treći put da prolazimo pokraj ove pekare!
"But this is the third time we've passed this bakery!"
" uzviknuo je Luka, pokazujući na isti izlog s kruhom.
exclaimed Luka, pointing to the same bread display.
Petrin smijeh je postao nervozan.
Petra's laughter turned nervous.
"Moramo biti sistematičniji," predložila je.
"We need to be more systematic," she suggested.
Ivan, koji je do tada mudro šutio, predlože im igru.
Ivan, who had been wisely silent until then, suggested a game.
"Pretvarajmo se da smo istraživači.
"Let's pretend we're explorers.
Ja ću ostati ovdje, a vi pokušajte pronaći put van.
I'll stay here, and you try to find your way out.
Ako se izgubite, vratite se ovdje i pokušajte ponovno.
If you get lost, come back here and try again."
" Luka i Petra su prihvatili izazov.
Luka and Petra accepted the challenge.
Kao u labirintu, svaka nova ulica izgledala je obećavajuće, ali uvijek su završili na istom mjestu.
Like in a maze, every new street seemed promising, but they always ended up in the same place.
Kiša je počela padati, kapljice su se odbijale o kamenim pločnikom.
Rain began to fall, and the drops bounced off the cobblestones.
Napokon, poslije mnogo smijeha i nekoliko krivih skretanja, Luka ugleda nešto poznato.
Finally, after much laughter and a few wrong turns, Luka spotted something familiar.
"Petra, vidi!
"Petra, look!
Kula Lotrščak!
Lotrščak Tower!
Znamo gdje smo!
We know where we are!"
"Sa smiješkom olakšanja, brzo su pronašli put prema Ivanu koji ih je dočekao s otvorenim rukama.
With a relieved smile, they quickly found their way back to Ivan, who welcomed them with open arms.
"Bili ste pravi istraživači," pohvali ih Ivan, dok su Petra i Luka ponosno koračali, znajući da će ova avantura biti jedna od onih koje će prepričavati godinama.
"You were real explorers," praised Ivan, as Petra and Luka proudly walked, knowing that this adventure would be one they would recount for years.
Nad Zagrebom se rastegnu duga, obećavajući nova putovanja i nove priče, dok su se Petra, Luka i Ivan, smijuljeći se, zaputili kući, sretni što su zajedno i što su našli izlaz iz zagrebačkog labirinta.
A rainbow stretched over Zagreb, promising new adventures and new stories, as Petra, Luka, and Ivan, smiling, made their way home, happy to be together and to have found their way out of the Zagreb maze.