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Furry Fiasco: A Zagreb Market Adventure
FluentFiction - Croatian
Furry Fiasco: A Zagreb Market Adventure
U središtu bučnog zagrebačkog tržišta, među šarenim tezgama i veselim prodavačima, Mateo je tražio savršen poklon za svoju malu sestru.
In the midst of the noisy Zagreb market, among the colorful stalls and cheerful vendors, Mateo was searching for the perfect gift for his little sister.
Ona je slavila rođendan, a on je želio pronaći nešto posebno.
It was her birthday, and he wanted to find something special.
Znao je da ona voli mekane plišane igračke, pa je odlučno krenuo među šarenilom u potragu za igračkom koja će joj osvojiti srce.
He knew she loved soft plush toys, so he determinedly set off among the crowd in search for a toy that would win her heart.
Jug vjetra donio je miris pečenog kestena i cvjetova, a Mateo se smiješio prolaznicima.
A south wind carried the scent of roasted chestnuts and flowers, and Mateo smiled at the passersby.
Tada je ugledao Anu, koja je u naručju nosila krznenu kuglicu.
Then he spotted Ana, who was holding a furry ball in her arms.
"Ah, to je to!", pomislio je Mateo.
"Ah, that's it!" thought Mateo.
Crno-bijela "igračka" spavala je mirno dok su oko nje ljudi trgovali, razgovarali i smijali se.
The black-and-white "toy" was sleeping peacefully while people around her were trading, chatting, and laughing.
"Oprostite", reče Mateo prilazeći Ani, "koliko košta ova lijepa plišana mačka?"
"Excuse me," said Mateo, approaching Ana, "how much does this beautiful plush cat cost?"
Ana je zbunjeno pogledala Matea, a zatim je prasnula u smijeh.
Ana looked at Mateo with confusion, then burst into laughter.
"Ovo nije igračka, ovo je moj ljubimac, maca Maza!"
"This isn't a toy, this is my pet, Maza the cat!"
Mateo se zacrvenio od nelagode.
Mateo blushed with embarrassment.
"Oprostite, mislio sam... toliko je mekana i stvarna..."
"I'm sorry, I thought... it's just so soft and real..."
Ana se nasmijala.
Ana laughed.
"Sve u redu, i nije prvi put da netko pomisli da je Maza plišanac."
"It's okay, it's not the first time someone has thought Maza was a plush toy."
U tom trenutku, maca Maza se protegnula i otvorila oči, gledajući Matea svojim zelenim očima.
At that moment, Maza the cat stretched and opened her eyes, looking at Mateo with her green eyes.
Mateo je bio iznenađen.
Mateo was surprised.
"Prava je! Obožavatelj sam životinja, ne znam kako sam mogao pomiješati."
"She's real! I'm an animal lover, I don't know how I could have confused that."
"Bit će da imaš dobro srce", rekla je Ana.
"Maybe you have a good heart," said Ana.
"Što tražiš na tržištu?"
"What are you looking for at the market?"
"Igram se za sestru rođendan. Voljela bi baš poput Maze, ali mora biti igračka", objasnio je Mateo.
"I'm shopping for my sister's birthday. She'd love something like Maza, but it needs to be a toy," explained Mateo.
"Zašto ne posjetiš onu trgovinu igračaka kod glavne fontane? Imaju prekrasne plišance."
Ana pondered, then said, "Why don't you visit that toy shop by the main fountain? They have beautiful plush toys."
"Mateo se zahvalio i već se spremao otići kada je Ana dodala: "Čekaj! Možda ja mogu pomoći."
Mateo thanked her and was about to leave when Ana added, "Wait! Maybe I can help."
Ana je otišla s Mateom do trgovine igračaka i pomogla mu odabrati savršenu plišanu mačku za njegovu sestru.
Ana went with Mateo to the toy store and helped him choose the perfect plush cat for his sister.
Te večeri, sestrična Mateova oči zasjale su od sreće kada je ugledala svoj poklon.
That evening, Mateo's niece's eyes lit up with joy when she saw her gift.
Mateo i Ana su se razdvojili kao novi prijatelji, s obećanjem da će se ponovno sresti na istom tržištu, ali ovaj put, možda za kavu, a ne za trgovinu.
Mateo and Ana parted as new friends, with a promise to meet again at the same market, but this time maybe for coffee, not shopping.
I tako se završila zgoda na zagrebačkom tržištu, sretnim završetkom i novim prijateljstvima, a sve zbog jedne mekane, krznene zamke koja je gotovo postala plišani suvenir.
And so the story at the Zagreb market ended, with a happy ending and new friendships, all because of one soft, furry trap that almost became a plush souvenir.