Beneath the Mist: Secrets of the Cliffs Unveiled
FluentFiction - Irish
Beneath the Mist: Secrets of the Cliffs Unveiled
Bhí na haillte ag gleo leis na tonnta, a bhí ag briseadh go fiáin faoin smúit geimhridh.
The cliffs roared with the waves, crashing wildly under the winter mist.
Le gaoith fhuar ag séideadh orthu, shiúil Caoimhe, Eoghan, agus Niamh feadh na gCliffs of Moher, ag taisteal le chéile ar saoire a cheap siad a bheadh lán solais agus gáire.
With a cold wind blowing over them, Caoimhe, Eoghan, and Niamh walked along the Cliffs of Moher, traveling together on a vacation they thought would be full of sunshine and laughter.
Bhí Caoimhe ag breathnú amach thar an imeall.
Caoimhe was looking out over the edge.
Bhí rud éigin i ndiaidh titim isteach in aigne na bliana seo.
Something had fallen into her mind that year.
D’airigh sí uaigneas agus féithín bróin nach rabhamar ag súil léi.
She felt a loneliness and a trace of sadness she hadn't expected.
Ba mhaith léi ealú ón imní ina hintinn.
She wanted to escape the anxiety in her mind.
Bhí sí diongbháilte consólíocht a thabhairt.
She was determined to find solace.
Bhí fonn uirthi teacht ar a cuid cairde a bhí sa dorchadas.
She was eager to find her friends who were in darkness.
Fear cirt ab ea Eoghan.
Eoghan was a man of principle.
D'airigh sé i gcónaí go dteastaigh uathu díriú ar rudaí tábhachtacha.
He always felt they needed to focus on important things.
I rith an turais, d’airigh sé go raibh a mhothúcháin do Niamh níos mó ná barúil.
During the trip, he realized his feelings for Niamh were more than just admiration.
Ach, níor chuir sé in iúl di fós.
Yet, he hadn't expressed them to her yet.
Bhí sé dírithe ar an aimsir, toisc go raibh an aimsir amuigh scanrúil.
He was focused on the weather because it was terrifying outside.
Ag léim suas aníos go himill na haillte, ghlaoigh Niamh go bríomhar: "A chairde, ná bíodh imní oraibh!
Leaping up to the edge of the cliffs, Niamh called out spiritedly: "Friends, don't worry!
Táimid chomh sábháilte anseo agus a bhíonn muid ag siopadóireacht sa bhaile!
We're as safe here as when we're shopping at home!"
" Níorbh fhada go mhothaigh Niamh gur fhág rud éigin folús ina croí.
It wasn't long before Niamh felt something had left a void in her heart.
Bhí rún aici a bhí aici féin a réiteach, ach bhí a fhios aici go gcaithfeadh sí dul i bhfolach fós.
She had a secret she needed to resolve, but she knew she still had to hide.
Níorbh fhada ina dhiaidh sin gur thug Caoimhe faoi deara nach raibh duine den ghrúpa ann.
Shortly afterward, Caoimhe noticed someone was missing from the group.
"Cá bhfuil Niamh?
"Where's Niamh?"
" a mhachnaigh sí os ard.
she pondered aloud.
D’fhéach Eoghan timpeall go tapaidh, léim croíbhriste ina bhroinn.
Eoghan looked around quickly, a pang of anxiety in his chest.
Bhí rud éigin as alt.
Something was amiss.
Ba chóir do gach duine a bheith anseo.
Everyone should have been there.
Chinn Caoimhe, faoi dhianbhrú mistéire, scartha ón ngrúpa chun an cosán atá naire di a leanúint.
Caoimhe decided, under great pressure and mystery, to separate from the group to follow the path that troubled her.
Maoin ó Dhia, d’aithin sí cosán i bhfolach a bhí ag treorú isteach in uaimh rúnda.
A blessing from God, she recognized a hidden path leading into a secret cave.
D’oscail sí é le faitíos agus fuair sí rud a thug uirthi stopadh.
She opened it cautiously and found something that made her stop.
Litir, scríofa i lámh aitheanta, a thaispeáin go raibh Niamh i gceist sa phlean.
A letter, written in a familiar hand, showed that Niamh was involved in the plan.
Bailíodh an grúpa arís, le buíochas géar, ach fós bhí ambáiste ag timpeallú orthu.
The group was gathered again, with sharp gratitude, but still, unease surrounded them.
D'adhmhaigh Niamh go raibh sí tar éis an treoir a mhilleadh orthu go d’aon ghnó.
Niamh admitted that she had deliberately misled them.
Ach cé go raibh an mhíniú ann, d'fhág sí cuid dá hintinn faoi cheilt.
But though there was an explanation, she left part of her mind concealed.
Bhí tuiscint nua aimsithe ag Caoimhe faoi thábhacht na cairdeas.
Caoimhe had found a new understanding of the importance of friendship.
Tagann muinín as dul amach as an bhfoscadh, d’fhoghlaim sí.
Trust comes from stepping out of the shelter, she learned.
Agus leis sin, bhí Caoimhe níos díograisí i ndíobháil nascanna níos láidre a chruthú ina saol féin.
With that, Caoimhe became more eager to forge stronger connections in her own life.
Cé gur shásaigh an míniú cuid acu, d'fhág an chuimhne ar an discóbhar pléascadh go domhain ina gcroíthe.
Although the explanation satisfied some of them, the memory of the cliffside turmoil left a deep impression in their hearts.
D'fhéadfadh ceist an chorp ar chladach a bheith le cur ar ceal, ach ag deireadh an lae, bhí na daoine ag briseadh isteach ar a chéile.
The question of the body on the shore might be set aside, but at the end of the day, people were breaking into each other's lives.