Cliffhanger: A Photographic Rescue Tale
FluentFiction - Irish
Cliffhanger: A Photographic Rescue Tale
I lá breá grianmhar, chuaigh triúr cara, Seamus, Declan, agus Siobhan, ar turas go hÁite álainn na hÉireann, na hAillte an Mhothair.
On a beautiful sunny day, three friends, Seamus, Declan, and Siobhan, went on a trip to the beautiful place in Ireland, the Cliffs of Moher.
Bhí siad ag iarraidh lá deas a chaitheamh le chéile, agus grianghraif áille a thógáil le cuimhneamh ar an lá.
They wanted to spend a nice day together and take beautiful photos to remember the day.
Díreach mar a bhí siad ag siúl cois na haillte, mhol Seamus go dtógfadh siad selfie leis an radharc iontach taobh thiar díobh.
Just as they were walking beside the cliffs, Seamus suggested taking a selfie with the amazing view behind them.
D'ardaigh sé a ghuthán ard, ag sárú a ghrásta chun grianghraf foirfe a ghabháil.
He raised his phone high, surpassing his height to capture a perfect picture.
Ach, i measc an gháire agus an spraoi, sciorr an fón óna láimh agus thit sé go tapa i dtreo na farraige fuarchúiseach thíos.
But amidst the laughter and fun, the phone slipped from his hand and quickly fell towards the chilly sea below.
Chuir uafás ar an triúr cairde agus d'fhéach siad síos ón imeall, ag súil leis an bhfón a aimsiú ar dhromchla an uisce.
The horror struck the three friends and they looked down from the edge, hoping to find the phone on the water's surface.
Ach ní raibh aon amharc acu den ghuthán caillte.
But they could not see any sign of the lost phone.
"Ochón, 'tá mo ghuthán imithe," arsa Seamus de thuras na huaire.
"Oh, my phone is gone," said Seamus, the disheartened one.
"Agus bhí gach grianghraf ón lá inniu air!
"And it had all the photos from today on it!"
"Chuir Declan suaimhneas air, "Tá brón orm, a chara, ach b'fhéidir gur bealach é seo chun taitneamh a bhaint as an áilleacht seo gan scáileáin idir sinn agus í.
Declan comforted him, "I'm sorry, my friend, but maybe this is a way to enjoy this beauty without a screen between us and it."
"Thug Siobhan súil timpeall orthu agus thuig sí go raibh deis iontach rompu.
Siobhan looked around and realized they had a great opportunity ahead of them.
"Ná bígí buartha," ar sise.
"Don't worry," she said.
"Seas in aice liom anseo agus déanaimis plean.
"Stand next to me here and let's make a plan."
"Rinne siad plean dul síos go dtí an chósta thíos, áit ar féidir leo cuidiú a lorg.
They made a plan to go down to the coast below, where they could seek help.
Ar a mbealach, bhuail siad le fear a bhí ag díol léarscáileanna agus cártaí poist den áit.
On their way, they met a man selling maps and postcards of the place.
Mhínigh siad an scéal dó, agus gan smaoineamh faoi dhó, thairg an fear cabhrú leo.
They explained the situation to him, and without a second thought, the man offered to help them.
Le chéile, shiúil siad síos cosán beag timpeall na haillte go dtí an trá phostálach thíos.
Together, they walked down a small path around the cliffs to the postal beach.
Tharla iontas nuair a fuaireadar an fón cliste, slán sábháilte ar charraig bheag, grianghraf álainn feicthe ar a scáileán.
They were surprised when they found the clever phone safe on a small rock, displaying a beautiful photo on its screen.
Bhí an ghrianghraf seo níos áille ná mar a shamhlaigh siad riamh.
This photo was more beautiful than they had ever imagined.
D'éirigh le Seamus greim a bhaint as fós, a ghuthán cervingly na spéire atá bainte amach, le radharc nach bhféadfadh a dhéanamh d'aon ghnó.
Seamus managed to still grab it, his indomitable phone, with a view that could not be achieved by any business.
Le croíthe sona agus cuimhní nua iontacha a bhfuil grianghraif chun cruthúnas a thabhairt dóibh, d'fhill an triúr cairde ar ais go barr na n-aillte.
With happy hearts and new amazing memories through the photos, the three friends returned to the top of the cliffs.
"Bhuel," arsa Declan, "Ní dhéanfaidh muid dearmad ar an lá seo go deo!
"Well," said Declan, "We will never forget this day!"
"Chomhaontaigh Seamus agus Siobhan, agus le gáire ó chroí, thug siad fáilte roimh an eachtra nua agus an scéal a bheadh acu le hinsint.
Seamus and Siobhan agreed, and with heartfelt laughter, they welcomed the new adventure and the story they would have to tell.
Agus ón lá sin ar aghaidh, bhíodh fón Seamus i gcónaí i bpóca sábháilte nuair a bhí sé in aice le haille nó uisce.
And from that day on, Seamus's phone would always be in a safe pocket when near cliffs or water.
Agus chomh luath agus a shábháil siad an fón, cheangail siad nasc níos láidre fós: nasc na cairdeas agus an chuimhneacháin nach féidir briseadh.
And as soon as they saved the phone, they formed an even stronger link: the link of friendship and memories that cannot be broken.
Agus gach uair a fhéach siad siar ar an ngrianghraf sin, meabhraíonn siad dóibh an t-aer, an spéir, agus an lá a d'imir na hAillte an Mhothair cleas iontach orra.
And every time they looked back at that photo, it reminded them of the air, the sky, and the day the Cliffs of Moher played a wonderful trick on them.