Mistaken Kiss: A Blarney Stone Blunder!
FluentFiction - Irish
Mistaken Kiss: A Blarney Stone Blunder!
Lá breá samhraidh a bhí ann agus bhí an ghrian ag spalpadh anuas ar dhreach ghlas Dhún Chíomháin.
It was a beautiful summer's day and the sun was beating down on the green slopes of Dunquin.
Bhí daoine ó gach cearn den domhan bailithe timpeall an chloch cáiliúil – Cloch Bhlárna.
People from all corners of the world had gathered around the famous stone – Blarney Stone.
Seamus, fear óg éirimiúil lena chairde Aoife agus Fiona, d'fhág siad slí na Gaillimhe go moch ar maidin chun an lá a chaitheamh san áit stairiúil seo.
Seamus, a young and adventurous man with his friends Aoife and Fiona, left early in the morning to spend the day in this historical place.
Ar an mbealach, rinne Aoife magadh faoi na scéalta a chuala sí faoi phógadh na cloiche: "Deirtear má phógann tú Cloch Bhlárna go mfaighidh tú an ghaois," arsa í ag gáire.
On the way, Aoife made fun of the stories she heard about kissing the stone, saying, "They say if you kiss the Blarney Stone, you'll find wisdom," she chuckled.
Ní raibh Seamus cinnte faoi, ach bhí sé sásta glacadh le dúshlán Aoife.
Seamus wasn't sure, but he was happy to accept Aoife's challenge.
Nuair a shroich siad an dún, bhí slua mór de dhaoine ann.
When they reached the fortress, there was a large crowd of people.
Bhí na sluaite ag fanacht go foighneach le scéal a nglóire a fháil trí phóg a bhronnadh ar an chloch mhór.
The crowds waited patiently to receive their share of glory by bestowing a kiss on the great stone.
Bhí imní ar Seamus roimh a sheal.
Seamus was worried about his turn.
D'fhéach sé timpeall, ach b'fhusa dó rós sa ghairdín dris a aimsiú ná Aoife nó Fiona a fháil sa slua.
He looked around, but it was easier for him to find a rose in the thorny garden than to find Aoife or Fiona in the crowd.
Tháinig a sheal agus luigh Seamus siar, chun é féin a ullmhú don phóg beannaithe.
His turn came, and Seamus hesitated to prepare himself for the blessed kiss.
Thug sé a aghaidh i dtreo na cloiche, ach d'fhan a shúile dúnta le neirbhíse.
He turned his face towards the stone, but his eyes remained closed with nervousness.
B'fhéidir gur shíl sé go gcuirfeadh sé le draíocht an nóiméid é a dhéanamh gan aon radharc.
Perhaps he thought he would perform the magic of the moment without any sight.
Ansin, i gceann cúpla nóiméad, thug sé a phóg le croí trom - ach, d'airigh sé bogadh nach raibh cosúil le garbh-chloch ar bith!
Then, in a few moments, he gave a heartfelt kiss – but, he felt a softness unlike any rough stone!
Oscail Seamus a shúile in iomaíocht.
Seamus opened his eyes in competition.
Bhí sé feicthe aige ansin!
It was seen by him there!
Ní Cloch Bhlárna a bhí sé tar éis a phógadh, ach liopaí duine eile!
It wasn't Blarney Stone he had just kissed, but someone else's lips!
Bhí mearbhall ar gach duine.
Everyone was confused.
Ba mhinic daoine ag claochlú thart ar an gcloch, ach ní minic a bhíonn malartú póg eatarthu!
People often leaned around the stone, but the exchange of kisses was not common!
Stad an slua go tobann, agus d'ardaigh gáire as gach cearn.
The crowd suddenly stopped, and laughter erupted from every corner.
Ach ní féidir déanamh dearmad ar Aoife agus Fiona, a bhí ag faire ar an radharc ar fad ón dá thaobh.
But Aoife and Fiona cannot be forgotten, who were watching the whole scene from both sides.
Chuir Fiona a lámh le cluas agus Aoife ní fhéadfadh sí stop a chur lena gáire.
Fiona covered her mouth with her hand and Aoife couldn't stop her laughter.
B'éigean do Seamus a náire a shlogadh agus aghaidh a thabhairt ar an méid a tharla.
Seamus had to swallow his embarrassment and face what had happened.
Seamus, an tusa mo ghaois nua?
Seamus, are you my new wisdom?
arsa an strainséir le gáire, agus é ag sárú a stuaim féin.
the stranger said, laughing and overcoming his own embarrassment.
Bhí an lá i ndiaidh a bheith iomlán le magadh agus gáire.
The day ended with teasing and laughter.
Bhí Seamus, Aoife agus Fiona ag caint faoi ar feadh i bhfad tar éis dóibh filleadh.
Seamus, Aoife, and Fiona talked for a long time after their return.
Faoin am a d'imigh an tráthnóna, bhí an scéal curtha le scéalta mionlach an chnuic agus bhí ceacht foghlamtha ag Seamus gan súile a dhúnadh agus póg a thabhairt!
By the time the evening approached, the story had become the talk of the hill and Seamus learned a lesson without closing his eyes and giving a kiss!
Le briathra deireanacha Aoife, “Ar a laghad, a Sheamuis, má tá ceann amháin de na scéalta sin fíor, seo é an póg is gáirsiúla i stair Bhlárna!"
In the final words of Aoife, “At least, Seamus, if one of those stories is true, this is the funniest kiss in Blarney's history!”
Dá bhrí sin tháinig deireadh sona don lá, le cairdeas agus gáire roinnte agus cuimhne a mhairfeadh go deo.
Therefore, the day ended happily with shared friendship, laughter, and a memory that would last forever.