When Tradition Meets Modernity at the Tallinna Market
FluentFiction - Estonian
When Tradition Meets Modernity at the Tallinna Market
Tallinna jõuluturg säras tuledesäras.
The Tallinna Christmas market was glowing with a sparkle of lights.
Kogu Vana Toompea oli kaetud õrna lumevaibaga, valgus peegeldus tänavate sillutisel.
All of Vana Toompea was covered with a gentle blanket of snow, and the light reflected off the cobblestone streets.
Maarja, Kalev ja Riina jalutasid koos läbi tänavate, hingates sisse piparkoogi ja hõõgveini sooja lõhna.
Maarja, Kalev, and Riina walked together through the streets, breathing in the warm aroma of gingerbread and mulled wine.
Maarja tundis helget elevust ja samas ka muret oma südames.
Maarja felt a bright excitement, mixed with a hint of worry in her heart.
Maarja tahtis sel aastal midagi erilist.
Maarja wanted something special this year.
Traditsioonid olid küll armsad, aga ta soovis peret uutel viisidel kokku tuua.
Traditions were dear, but she wanted to bring the family together in new ways.
Riina, kes kõndis tema kõrval, oli aga kindel vana kooli jõulude austaja.
Riina, who walked beside her, was a staunch admirer of old-fashioned Christmas.
"Me peame ikka sauna minema ja verivorsti sööma," oli ta öelnud, just nagu igal aastal.
"We have to go to the sauna and eat blood sausage," she had said, just like every year.
Kalev jällegi oli töösse uppunud, püüdes pakkuda perele parimat.
Kalev, on the other hand, was buried in work, trying to provide the best for the family.
"Oluline on, et lapsed tunneksid puudust millestki," rõhutas ta sageli.
"It's important that the children don't feel like they're lacking anything," he often emphasized.
Maarja vahel mõtles, et Kalev ei näe, et kõige väärtuslikum kingitus on ühine aeg.
Maarja sometimes thought that Kalev didn't see that the most precious gift is time together.
Karmis tuules sirisevatel turgudel, kuulas Maarja, kuidas Riina pajatas lugusid oma noorusest ja vanadest jõulutraditsioonidest.
In the markets where the harsh wind was whistling, Maarja listened to Riina recount stories from her youth and old Christmas traditions.
Maarja püüdis neid lugusid imetleda, kuid tema mõtted rändasid ikka ja jälle tagasi oma ideede juurde.
Maarja tried to admire these stories, but her thoughts kept drifting back to her own ideas.
Ta tahtis midagi uut, midagi, mis räägiks nende praegusest elust.
She wanted something new, something that spoke of their current life.
Järsku peatusid nad suure kuusepuu juures, mis seisis kui jõulutähe all.
Suddenly, they stopped by a large Christmas tree that stood as if under a Christmas star.
Maarja võttis sügavalt hinge.
Maarja took a deep breath.
"Ema, Kalev, ma pean ütlema, et tahan midagi teistsugust," sõnas ta tasakesi, aga kindlalt.
"Mom, Kalev, I have to say that I want something different," she said quietly but firmly.
Riina võttis sügava ohke.
Riina took a deep sigh.
Kalev pööras pilgu Maarjale.
Kalev turned his gaze to Maarja.
"Ma tahan, et meil oleks traditsioonid, aga need võiksid olla meie oma.
"I want us to have traditions, but they should be our own.
Lapsed võiksid saada piparkoogimaja ise kaunistada, mitte lihtsalt vaadata, kuidas see vanasti tehti.
The children could decorate the gingerbread house themselves, not just watch how it was done in the past.
Ja kingitused – need ei pea olema kallid, vaid lihtsalt midagi, mis teeb rõõmu," jätkas Maarja kirglikult.
And the gifts—they don't have to be expensive, just something that brings joy," continued Maarja passionately.
Riina silmad muutusid soojemaks.
Riina's eyes softened.
"Võib-olla sa oled õigel teel," ütles ta mõtlikult.
"Maybe you're on the right track," she said thoughtfully.
Kalev pani käe Maarja ümber.
Kalev put his arm around Maarja.
"Ma tahan sind toetada.
"I want to support you.
Proovime uutmoodi," nõustus ta lõpuks.
Let's try something new," he agreed finally.
Samal hetkel hakkasid turul jõululaulud kostma tugevamalt.
At that moment, the Christmas songs at the market started to play stronger.
Maarja tundis kergendatust, justkui oleks koorem õlgadelt langenud.
Maarja felt relief, as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulders.
Ta naeratas oma perele.
She smiled at her family.
Neil oli uus kokkulepe, mis hõlmas nii vana kui uut.
They had a new agreement that encompassed both the old and the new.
Jõulupuu all Tallinna turul kõndis perekond Maarja uue teadmise ja rahu tunnetusega.
Under the Christmas tree at the Tallinna market, the family walked with a sense of newfound understanding and peace.
Traditsioonid ja kaasaeg põimusid ühte.
Traditions and modernity were intertwined.
Nad kõndisid edasi kall igakäevangupoodide ees, ning Maarja teadis, et nad astusid koos edasi uue alguse poole.
They continued walking past the stalls of local handicraft shops, and Maarja knew that together they were stepping towards a new beginning.