FluentFiction - Danish

Lars & Sofie: The Tivoli 'Scream Specialists'!

FluentFiction - Danish

12m 18sJuly 24, 2023

Lars & Sofie: The Tivoli 'Scream Specialists'!

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  • Lars og Sofie var bedste venner.

    Lars and Sofie were best friends.

  • De boede i København og elskede at tage i Tivoli sammen.

    They lived in Copenhagen and loved going to Tivoli together.

  • En dag besluttede de sig for at prøve rutsjebanen.

    One day they decided to try the slide.

  • Da de kom op i rutsjebanen, blev der pludselig helt stille.

    When they got on the slide, it suddenly went completely quiet.

  • Lars fik en idé.

    Lars got an idea.

  • Han sagde til Sofie, "Lad os skrige på dansk!"

    He said to Sofie, "Let's scream in Danish!"

  • Sofie grinede og sagde, "Ja, det vil vi prøve!"

    Sofie laughed and said, "Yes, we'll try that!"

  • Så begyndte de at køre ned ad rutsjebanen og skreg af alle livs kræfter.

    Then they started going down the slide, screaming with all their might.

  • "Ååååh!"


  • "Hjælp mig!"

    "Help me!"

  • Folk omkring dem kiggede forvirret på dem, da de hørte dem skrige på dansk.

    People around them looked at them in confusion when they heard them scream in Danish.

  • Nogle turister begyndte at grine og klappede af Lars og Sofie.

    Some tourists started laughing and clapping for Lars and Sofie.

  • De syntes, det var så sjovt at høre dem skrige på dansk.

    They thought it was so funny to hear them scream in Danish.

  • Den ene turist råbte, "I er fantastiske!"

    One tourist shouted, "You guys are amazing!"

  • Lars og Sofie grinede og skreg endnu højere for at underholde turisterne mere.

    Lars and Sofie laughed and screamed even louder to entertain the tourists more.

  • De nød virkelig at se turisternes glade ansigter.

    They really enjoyed seeing the happy faces of the tourists.

  • Rutsjebanen var en sjov måde at få folk til at grine på.

    The slide was a fun way to make people laugh.

  • Da rutsjebaneturen var slut, var Lars og Sofie glade og steg af.

    When the roller coaster ride was over, Lars and Sofie were happy and got off.

  • Alle folk omkring dem klappede og smilede.

    All the people around them clapped and smiled.

  • De havde gjort en forskel i folks dag.

    They had made a difference in people's day.

  • Lars og Sofie gik videre i Tivoli med smilende ansigter.

    Lars and Sofie went on in Tivoli with smiling faces.

  • De vidste, at de havde skabt en speciel oplevelse for turisterne.

    They knew they had created a special experience for the tourists.

  • Det gjorde dem glade og stolte.

    It made them happy and proud.

  • På vejen hjem snakkede Lars og Sofie om deres eventyr.

    On the way home, Lars and Sofie talked about their adventures.

  • De aftalte at gøre noget sjovt igen næste gang de var i Tivoli.

    They agreed to do something fun again the next time they were in Tivoli.

  • Siden den dag var Lars og Sofie kendt som "Skrigespecialisterne" i Tivoli.

    Since that day, Lars and Sofie were known as the "Scream Specialists" in Tivoli.

  • Alle turister ville gerne køre rutsjebane med dem og opleve deres sjove skrig på dansk.

    All tourists wanted to ride the slide with them and experience their funny screams in Danish.

  • Lars og Sofie fik mange venner og havde en fantastisk tid i Tivoli.

    Lars and Sofie made many friends and had a fantastic time in Tivoli.

  • De havde lært, at man kan gøre en forskel i andre menneskers liv ved at sprede glæde og skabe sjove øjeblikke.

    They had learned that you can make a difference in other people's lives by spreading joy and creating fun moments.

  • Så næste gang du er i Tivoli og hører nogen skrige på dansk, kan det være Lars og Sofie.

    So the next time you are in Tivoli and hear someone screaming in Danish, it could be Lars and Sofie.

  • Gå hen og sig hej til dem og vær en del af deres sjove eventyr.

    Go say hi to them and be a part of their fun adventure.