FluentFiction - Danish

'Finding Good in the World: Lars and Mette's Saint Hans'

FluentFiction - Danish

9m 46sJune 19, 2023

'Finding Good in the World: Lars and Mette's Saint Hans'

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  • Lars og Mette var glade fordi det var Sankt Hans aften i København.

    Lars and Mette were happy because it was Saint Hans's evening in Copenhagen.

  • De ville fejre med deres venner ved søen og danse rundt om bålet til traditionel dansk folkemusik.

    They would celebrate with their friends by the lake and dance around the fire to traditional Danish folk music.

  • Men en politiker, som ingen af dem kunne lide, skulle også have deres opmærksomhed.

    But a politician neither of them liked had to have their attention as well.

  • De besluttede at brænde et sugerørbillede af ham og danse rundt om det.

    They decided to burn a straw effigy of him and dance around it.

  • Alle var enige om, at de ville gøre det som en del af Sankt Hans traditionen.

    Everyone agreed that they wanted to do it as part of the Saint Hans tradition.

  • De gik til søen og tændte bålet.

    They went to the lake and lit the fire.

  • De sang og dansede, og da det var tid til at brænde billedet af politikeren af, var alle samlet omkring bålet, deres ansigter oplyst af flammerne.

    They sang and danced, and when it was time to burn the effigy of the politician, everyone gathered around the fire, their faces illuminated by the flames.

  • De begyndte at danse rundt om billedet og råbe deres frustration ud.

    They started dancing around the picture and shouting out their frustration.

  • Pludselig bemærkede de en lille pige, der var faldet i vandet.

    Suddenly they noticed a little girl who had fallen into the water.

  • Lars og hans venner sprang straks i vandet og reddede pigen op.

    Lars and his friends immediately jumped into the water and rescued the girl.

  • Alle kiggede på hende og glemte alt om brændingen af billedet.

    Everyone looked at her and forgot all about the burning of the picture.

  • De fokuserede alle på at hjælpe pigen, der heldigvis var okay.

    They all focused on helping the girl who luckily was okay.

  • Da de gik tilbage til bålet, besluttede de sig for ikke at brænde billedet af politikeren af.

    When they went back to the fire, they decided not to burn the picture of the politician.

  • De indså, at der var vigtigere ting end deres egne politiske holdninger.

    They realized that there were more important things than their own political views.

  • De dansede rundt om bålet og sang sange om det gode i verden.

    They danced around the fire and sang songs about the good in the world.

  • De forlod søen og gik ad de øde gader mod deres hjem.

    They left the lake and walked the deserted streets towards their home.

  • De vidste, at de ville huske denne aften for altid, fordi de havde fundet noget, der var meget vigtigere end politik - at hjælpe andre og være sammen.

    They knew they would remember this night forever because they had found something much more important than politics - helping others and being together.