FluentFiction - Danish

Mads Learns to Say 'Red Porridge'!

FluentFiction - Danish

6m 43sJune 12, 2023

Mads Learns to Say 'Red Porridge'!

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  • Sofie og Lars mødtes på traditionel dansk restaurant.

    Sofie and Lars met at a traditional Danish restaurant.

  • Mads var også med.

    Mads was also there.

  • De skulle lære ham at udtale "rødgrød med fløde".

    They had to teach him to pronounce "red porridge with cream".

  • Mads gjorde sit bedste, men det lød mere som "røgbrød med fløde".

    Mads did his best, but it sounded more like "smoked bread with cream".

  • Sofie og Lars grinede og prøvede at hjælpe ham.

    Sofie and Lars laughed and tried to help him.

  • De viste ham, hvordan man formede munden og sagde det langsomt.

    They showed him how to shape the mouth and said it slowly.

  • Mads lavede stadig fejl, men de blev bedre og bedre.

    Mads still made mistakes, but they got better and better.

  • Afslutningen på aftenen var en stor portion rødgrød med fløde til alle tre.

    The end of the evening was a large portion of red porridge with cream for all three.

  • De spiste og grinede og nød hinandens selskab.

    They ate and laughed and enjoyed each other's company.

  • Mads lærte endelig, hvordan man udtaler den svære dessert, og de alle var glade.

    Mads finally learned how to pronounce the difficult dessert and they were all happy.