FluentFiction - Danish

Laughing at Lars & Sofie's Ice Cream Catch!

FluentFiction - Danish

7m 37sMay 31, 2023

Laughing at Lars & Sofie's Ice Cream Catch!

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  • Lars og Sofie var i Tivoli.

    Lars and Sofie were in Tivoli.

  • Der var så meget at se og gøre.

    There was so much to see and do.

  • Lars spiste en isvaffel og nød den.

    Lars ate an ice cream cone and enjoyed it.

  • Pludselig gled isvaffelen af hans vaffel og landede på Sofies hoved.

    Suddenly the ice cream cone slipped off his waffle and landed on Sofie's head.

  • Sofie blev sur og ville ikke tale til Lars.

    Sofie got mad and didn't want to talk to Lars.

  • Men så begyndte de at lege.

    But then they started playing.

  • De kastede isen frem og tilbage og viste hinanden sjove ansigter.

    They threw the ice cream back and forth and made funny faces at each other.

  • Folk kiggede på dem og grinede.

    People looked at them and laughed.

  • Lars og Sofie var midt i en sjov fangstkamp med isvaffelen.

    Lars and Sofie were in the middle of a fun game of catch with the ice cream cone.

  • Til sidst var de begge trætte og hele Tivoli havde grint af deres leg.

    In the end they were both tired and the whole Tivoli had laughed at their play.

  • De satte sig ned og spiste en ny is sammen.

    They sat down and ate another ice cream together.

  • Sofie sagde undskyld for at blive sur.

    Sofie said sorry for getting mad.

  • Lars sagde, at det var okay og at han aldrig havde haft det så sjovt i Tivoli før.

    Lars said that it was okay and that he had never had so much fun in Tivoli before.

  • De gik hjem sammen, og Lars fortalte sine forældre om den sjove dag i Tivoli.

    They went home together, and Lars told his parents about the fun day at Tivoli.

  • Han kunne ikke vente med at se Sofie igen og lege med isvaffelen.

    He couldn't wait to see Sofie again and play with the ice cream cone.