Lars and Sarah: A Tale of Cycling Love
FluentFiction - Danish
Lars and Sarah: A Tale of Cycling Love
Lars var helt vild med sin date, Sarah.
Lars was absolutely in love with his date, Sarah.
Han ville vise hende, at han var sej, så han besluttede at cykle uden hænder i midten af København.
He wanted to show her that he was cool, so he decided to cycle with no hands in the middle of Copenhagen.
Lars cyklede ned ad Strøget og var lige ved at imponere Sarah, da han pludselig mistede balancen og styrte lige ind i en pølsevogn.
Lars cycled down Strøget and was just about to impress Sarah when he suddenly lost his balance and crashed straight into a hot dog cart.
Alle så på dem, og Lars blev helt rød i hovedet.
Everyone looked at them, and Lars went completely red in the head.
Sarah var bekymret og spurgte, om han havde slået sig, men Lars ville ikke have hende til at tro, at han var en taber, så han sagde, at han var okay.
Sarah was worried and asked if he had fought, but Lars didn't want her to think he was a loser, so he said he was fine.
De fortsatte deres date, men Lars kunne ikke slippe tanken om sin fiasko på cyklen.
They continued their date, but Lars couldn't shake the thought of his failure on the bike.
Han besluttede sig for at rette op på det.
He decided to fix it.
Næste dag øvede han sig hele dagen på at cykle uden hænder.
The next day he practiced all day cycling without hands.
Endelig følte Lars sig klar til at prøve det igen.
Finally, Lars felt ready to try again.
Han og Sarah cyklede gennem en stille park i København.
He and Sarah cycled through a quiet park in Copenhagen.
Lars lod sine hænder glide fra styret og smilede til Sarah.
Lars let his hands slip from the handlebars and smiled at Sarah.
Denne gang gik alt godt.
This time everything went well.
Han cyklede uden hænder i hele ti sekunder, og Sarah var imponeret.
He cycled with no hands for a full ten seconds and Sarah was impressed.
Da de stoppede for at hvile, gav Sarah Lars en kram og sagde, at han havde gjort det rigtigt denne gang.
When they stopped to rest, Sarah gave Lars a hug and said he had done it right this time.
Lars var lykkelig og stolt, og de fortsatte deres date med smil på læberne og vind i håret.
Lars was happy and proud, and they continued their date with smiles on their faces and wind in their hair.