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Reunion at Yr Wyddfa: Old Friends on New Heights
FluentFiction - Welsh
Reunion at Yr Wyddfa: Old Friends on New Heights
Y mynyddoedd oedd fel argraffiad llun ar gefndir glasaidd.
The mountains were like a print on a glassy backdrop.
Rhew, nifol, a gwynt yn chwythu ar gopa'r Wyddfa.
Ice, mist, and wind were blowing on the summit of Yr Wyddfa.
Roedd Alys wedi cyrraedd y copa llawn gobaith am heddwch a myfyrdod.
Alys had reached the summit full of hope for peace and meditation.
Ond yn ei chalon, roedd awydd.
But in her heart, there was a desire.
Awydd i gysylltu.
A desire to connect.
Tynnodd Alys ei het glust a gweld yr eira'n cwympo fel pe baent yn dawnsio.
Alys removed her earmuffs and saw the snow falling as if it were dancing.
Roedd y golygfeydd yn odidog.
The views were magnificent.
Ond yna, o gwmpas y cornel, ddaeth cyfeillion hen.
But then, around the corner, came old friends.
Dylan a Gareth.
Dylan and Gareth.
Roedd hi'n blynyddoedd ers iddynt gyfarfod olaf.
It had been years since their last meeting.
Unwaith roeddent gyd-fynegi, yn rhannu'n oraz gwerthfawr.
Once they shared deeply, exchanging precious insights and thoughts.
Yn sydyn, fe'i teimlodd hi'n cael ei hun ar groesffordd.
Suddenly, she found herself at a crossroads.
Byddai cysylltu â nhw yn torri ei chwilio am lonyddwch.
Connecting with them would interrupt her quest for tranquility.
Ond ai dyma'r cyfle i ddod yn ôl i’r teimlad o berthyn?
But was this the opportunity to return to a sense of belonging?
Roedd y gwynt yn gryf dros y copa, fel y geiriau yn ei chalon.
The wind was strong over the summit, like the words in her heart.
Roedd yn rhaid i hi gynnig ei llaw neu adael iddo hedfan i ffwrdd.
She had to either extend her hand or let the chance slip away.
” galwodd Alys, ei llais yn cael ei ysgubo gan y gwynt.
called Alys, her voice carried away by the wind.
Roedd helseed mewner y gwyn yn pelydru arnynt.
The initial hesitation in the white background illuminated them.
Aeth y mynydd yn ffroenu tanio parcio.
The mountain roared like a parking locomotive.
Trodd y ddau.
The two turned.
Dechreuodd eu hwynebau wÿthedau.
Their faces began to lighten.
Roedd dychweliad hen gyngor a chanas fel rhandaliad euraid eu calonnau.
The return of old camaraderie and guidance was like a golden gift to their hearts.
Troiodd y gŵyn lleol yn fydealau uchaf.
The local whiteness turned into the highest ideals.
Aeth y tri i eistedd, pobl yr un dwylo, ac maent yn rhannu straeon tan yr haul.
The three sat down, people of the same hands, sharing stories until sunset.
Roedd yr haul yn gorwedd, eira yn pentyrru yn dderrydd.
The sun was setting, snow piling up around them.
Roedd Alys wedi dysgu gwers: efallai roedd cwestiynau, ond roedd angen eraill yn waith cwestiynau hynny i gyd.
Alys had learned a lesson: perhaps there were questions, but the help of others was needed to work through them all.
Roedd perthynas yn draffaith, ac yn cofleidio'r cyfle.
Relationships were a complex matter, and embracing the opportunity was crucial.
Y copa'r Wyddfa, austere, aeth yn symbol o ailgynhadledd, wedi’i rychwantio dyffryn uchelgais pobl.
The summit of Yr Wyddfa, austere, became a symbol of reconvening, spanning the ambitions of people.
Nawr, gastwyd wyddor ben Dinas, haelion iniogel.
Now, the unwritten chapter capped the city, generous and secure.