Comical Mix-up at the Village Market
FluentFiction - Welsh
Comical Mix-up at the Village Market
Un diwrnod braf yn Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, gwelwyd Rhys yn cerdded yn hapus i'r farchnad pentref gyda'i restr siopa yn ei law.
One fine day in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, Rhys was seen happily walking to the village market with his shopping list in hand.
Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod prysur, a phawb yn y pentref yn barod i siopa ac i weld ffrindiau.
It was a busy day, and everyone in the village was ready to shop and see friends.
Eira, merch ifanc sy'n byw'r pentref, oedd hefyd yn y farchnad.
Eira, a young girl living in the village, was also at the market.
Roedd hi'n enwog am ei theisennau blasus a'i chwaer efo mêl pur.
She was famous for her tasty cakes and her sister with pure honey.
Eira oedd â'r fwriad i brynu cynhwysion ar gyfer ei theisenau nesaf.
Eira intended to buy ingredients for her next cakes.
Cymysgodd Rhys a Eira eu rhestrau siopa yn ddamweiniol wrth siarad â'i gilydd, yn hel straeon am y tywydd a'r pentref.
Rhys and Eira accidentally mixed up their shopping lists while talking to each other, exchanging stories about the weather and the village.
Rhys, heb sylwi, aeth â rhestr Eira ac aeth i siopa.
Without noticing, Rhys took Eira's list and went shopping.
Yn y siop groser, dechreuodd Rhys sylwi ar rywbeth anghyfarwydd.
In the grocery store, Rhys began to notice something unfamiliar.
"Pam mae 'blawd ceirch' a 'powdr pobi' ar fy rhestr?
"Why are 'deer flour' and 'baking powder' on my list?"
" meddyliodd Rhys, gan edrych ar y rhestr yn ddryslyd.
Rhys thought, looking at the list in confusion.
"Dwi'n cofio ysgrifennu 'bara' a 'llaeth'!
"I remember writing 'bread' and 'milk'!"
"Eira, yr un mor ddryslyd, edrychodd ar ei rhestr hi.
Equally confused, Eira looked at her list.
Caws caled?
Hard cheese?"
" siaradodd hi â'i hunan.
she muttered to herself.
"Dwi byth yn coginio gyda'r rhain!
"I never cook with these!"
"Ar ôl prynu pethau o'r farchnad, dychwelodd Rhys a Eira adref a dechreuodd geisio coginio gyda'r cynhwysion anghywir.
After buying things from the market, Rhys and Eira returned home and began to try to cook with the wrong ingredients.
Dyna pryd y sylweddolodd y ddau eu camgymeriad.
That's when the two realized their mistake.
Penderfynodd Rhys fynd yn ôl i'r farchnad i chwilio am Eira.
Rhys decided to return to the market to look for Eira.
Pan welodd hi, roedd Eira yn ceisio siarad â'r greengrocer am ryseitiau gyda picls.
When he saw her, Eira was trying to talk to the greengrocer about recipes with pickles.
Rhys a Eira yn chwerthin wrth iddynt sylweddoli beth oedd wedi digwydd.
Rhys and Eira laughed as they realized what had happened.
Gyda chwerthin mawr, cyfnewidion nhw'r rhestrau siopa a phrynu'r pethau cywir.
With great laughter, they exchanged their shopping lists and bought the correct items.
Rhys wedi dysgu pwysigrwydd cadw ei restr ei hun, ac Eira wedi cael stori ddoniol i'w hadrodd wrth bobi ei theisennau.
Rhys had learned the importance of keeping his own list, while Eira had a funny story to tell while baking her cakes.
O'r diwrnod hwnnw ymlaen, pob amser yn edrych ar eu rhestrau ddwywaith cyn siopa, ac am byth yn chwerthin pan fyddant yn pasio ei gilydd yn y pentref.
From that day on, they always looked at their lists twice before shopping and forever laughed as they passed each other in the village.
A dyna sut ddaeth diwrnod cyffredin ym mhentref Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch i ben gyda gwên a stori dda i'w adrodd wrth y tân yn yr hwyr.
And that's how an ordinary day in the village of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch ended with a smile and a good story to tell by the fire in the evening.