Comical Castles & Shoe Swaps: A Day to Remember
FluentFiction - Welsh
Comical Castles & Shoe Swaps: A Day to Remember
Un diwrnod braf oedd hi yn y dref gaerog, lle mae cestyll yn codi uwchben y cymylau.
One lovely day it was in the bustling town, where castles rise above the clouds.
Ym mhentref bach Caernarfon, lle mae muriau hynafol a strydoedd cul, roedd Gareth a Eleri yn gyfeillion da a oedd wrth eu boddau yn ymweld â'r castell enfawr oedd yn sefyll yn falch ar y bryn.
In the small village of Caernarfon, where ancient walls and narrow streets exist, Gareth and Eleri were good friends who enjoyed visiting the proud castle standing on the hill.
Gareth, dyn ifanc doniol gyda gwên fawr, oedd yn byw'n lleol ac yn gweithio yn siop lyfrau'r dref.
Gareth, a young, humorous man with a big smile, lived locally and worked at the town's bookshop.
Eleri, merch chwareus a phenderfynol, oedd wedi teithio i Gaernarfon i fwynhau'r hanes a'r tirwedd.
Eleri, a playful and determined girl, had traveled to Caernarfon to enjoy the history and the landscape.
Wedi penderfynu treulio'r dydd yn archwilio Caernarfon Castle gyda'i gilydd, cytunasant i gyfarfod tu allan i'r castell yn y bore cynnar.
After deciding to spend the day exploring Caernarfon Castle together, they agreed to meet outside the castle in the early morning.
Wrth iddi gwawrio, trodd pethau'n gymysg.
As morning broke, things turned somewhat chaotic.
Cyrhaeddodd Gareth yn gyntaf, gan aros wrth faes parcio wrth ymyl lle roedd pobl yn arfer newid esgidiau a gwisgo'u dillad teithio.
Gareth arrived first, waiting in the parking area near where people usually changed shoes and wore their travel clothes.
Roedd Eleri wedi dod yn hwyrach, a heb sylwi, gosododd hi ei hesgidiau wrth ymyl rhai Gareth tra roedd hi'n gwisgo'i hesgidiau cerdded.
Eleri arrived later, and without noticing, she placed her shoes next to Gareth's while wearing her walking shoes.
Gareth, yn ddiofal, cipiodd y pâr anghywir o esgidiau gan feddwl mai ei rai ef oedden nhw a dechrau cerdded tuag at yr entrance.
Carefully, Gareth grabbed the wrong pair of shoes, thinking they were his, and began walking towards the castle's entrance.
Roedd yr esgidiau'n rhy fach iddo, ac roedd pob cam yn doniol.
The shoes were too small for him, and every step was comical.
Gyda'i goesau dal yn ceisio addasu, cerddodd Gareth ar hyd y waliau cerrig a thros bontydd y castell, gan geisio peidio â sylwi ar ba mor anghyfforddus roedd ei droedfeydd.
With his legs still trying to adjust, Gareth walked along the stone walls and over the castle's bridges, trying not to notice how uncomfortable his footsteps were.
Eleri, wedi cyrraedd wrth y maes parcio a darganfod ei hesgidiau ar goll, dechreuodd chwerthin wrth weld eu hanfod ar draed Gareth.
Arriving at the parking area and finding her missing shoes, Eleri began to laugh seeing Gareth's feet in her shoes.
Cerddodd ar ei ôl, gan wylio wrth iddo lithro a siglo fel petai'n ddancer gwael ar lwyfan.
She walked after him, watching as he slipped and stumbled like a bad dancer on stage.
Wrth iddi ei ddal, galwodd hi allan gyda chwerthin, "Gareth!
As she caught him, she called out laughing, "Gareth!
Beth wyt ti'n ei wneud gyda'm hesgidiau i?
What are you doing with my shoes?"
" Edrychodd Gareth i lawr gyda syndod a gweld ei gamgymeriad.
Gareth looked down in surprise, seeing his mistake.
Gyda bloedd o chwerthin, cyfaddefodd ei ffolineb a gofynnodd am faddeuant gan Eleri gan gynnig iddi gaffi fel cysur.
Amidst peals of laughter, he admitted his folly and asked for forgiveness, offering her a coffee as consolation.
Yn ôl wrth y maes parcio, newidiodd Gareth yn ôl iddo'i esgidiau cyfforddus, a chynigodd Eleri iddo gerdded gyda hi yn ei hesgidiau anghywir er mwyn i Gareth brofi sut roedd hi'n teimlo.
Back at the parking area, Gareth swapped back into his comfortable shoes and offered Eleri to walk with her in her wrong shoes so that he could experience how she was feeling.
Mwynhaodd y ddau gerdded o amgylch y castell, gan chwerthin a chyfnewid storïau am yr esgidiau cudd a thrin gwallt y diwrnod hyfryd hwnnw.
The two enjoyed a walk around the castle, laughing and exchanging stories about the hidden shoes and navigating the challenges of that delightful day.
Wrth iddi nosi, daethpwyd i ddealltwriaeth newydd: mor bwysig yw cerdded yn esgidiau'r llall weithiau i deimlo eu profiad.
As night fell, they came to a newfound understanding: how important it is to walk in the shoes of others sometimes to understand their experience.
Cytunodd y ddau fod y digwyddiad yn antur ddoniol, yn gwers i'w chofio, ac yn stori i'w hadrodd yn y dyfodol.
They agreed that the event was a comical adventure, a lesson to remember, and a story to tell in the future.
Wrth iddynt ffarwelio wrth borth y castell, roedd y ddau yn cydymdeimlo â'r ffaith eu bod wedi rhannu ffrindiaeth, chwerthin, a chamgymeriad esgidiau ar ddiwrnod nad oedden nhw byth am ei anghofio yn nhreoedd serth a hanesyddol Castell Caernarfon.
As they bid farewell at the castle's gate, they empathized with the fact that they had shared a friendship, laughter, and the mishap of the shoes on a day they would never forget in the cold and historic lands of Caernarfon Castle.