Lost in Translation: A Heartwarming Tale of Cultural Exchange
FluentFiction - Catalan
Lost in Translation: A Heartwarming Tale of Cultural Exchange
La ciutat de Barcelona, amb la seva màgia i encant, bullia d'activitat.
The city of Barcelona, with its magic and charm, was bustling with activity.
Martí, Laia i Sergi s'asseien al Passeig de Gràcia, gaudint d'una gelada orxata en una tarda calorosa d'estiu.
Martí, Laia, and Sergi sat on Passeig de Gràcia, enjoying a cold horchata on a hot summer afternoon.
A la seva vora, un turista intentava infructuosament pronunciar la paraula catalana per "sol".
Next to them, a tourist was unsuccessfully trying to pronounce the Catalan word for "sun".
Observant la dificultat del foraster, Martí, el més gran del trio, es va decidir a ajudar.
Seeing the struggle of the foreigner, Martí, the oldest of the trio, decided to help.
El turista era un home gran i de cabells blancs, amb un mapa de la ciutat a la mà.
The tourist was an older man with white hair, holding a map of the city.
"Estem aquí per ajudar-te", va dir Martí, somrient amb calidesa.
"We are here to help you," Martí said, smiling warmly.
Laia va agafar un tros de paper i un bolígraf del seu bolso.
Laia took a piece of paper and a pen from her purse.
Va dibuixar una representació simple del sol i va escriure la paraula 'sol'.
She drew a simple representation of the sun and wrote the word 'sol'.
"Començaràs amb el so 's', com si estiguessis xiulant", va assenyalar Laia.
"You start with the 's' sound, as if you were hissing," Laia pointed out.
L'home va assajar pacientment, el rostre concentrat.
The man practiced patiently, his face focused.
"Després hi ha la 'o', només una 'o' curta, com la de 'cotxe'", va continuar Sergi.
"Then comes the 'o', just a short 'o', like in 'car'," Sergi continued.
El jove va demostrar-li pacientament al turista, repetint el so diverses vegades.
The young man patiently showed the tourist, repeating the sound several times.
Per últim, va arribar el torn de Martí.
Lastly, it was Martí's turn.
"I acabes amb una 'l' suau, com quan dius 'mill'".
"And you end with a soft 'l', like when you say 'mill'."
Ensenyà a l'home com a fer-la, amb la seva boca i llengua.
He taught the man how to make it with his mouth and tongue.
Ells tres, pacients i amigables, van passar la tarda assajant la paraula "sol" amb l'home.
The three of them, patient and friendly, spent the afternoon practicing the word "sol" with the man.
A poc a poc, va progressar, la seva pronunciació millorava.
Slowly, he progressed, his pronunciation improving.
"Sol", "Sol", "Sol".
"Sol", "Sol", "Sol".
Finalment, la pronuncià correctament, i un gran somriure va brillar al seu rostre.
Finally, he pronounced it correctly, and a big smile lit up his face.
"Ho he fet!
"I did it!
Ho he conse-eguit!
I did it!"
" va exclamar.
he exclaimed.
Els tres amics es van enorgullir en l'ajuda que havien proporcionat.
The three friends were proud of the help they had provided.
Es van sentir satisfets al veure l'alegria de l'home.
They felt satisfied seeing the joy of the man.
Havien unit esforços per resoldre un petit conflicte, però havien arribat a una gran victòria.
They had joined forces to resolve a small conflict, but had achieved a great victory.
La llum del "sol" caient darrere la silueta dels edificis modernistes va marcar l'acabament d'un dia ple.
The light of the "sun" setting behind the silhouette of the modernist buildings marked the end of a full day.
Un dia en el qual tres amics havien ensenyat a un foraster com a pronunciar una paraula, havien compartit una mica de la seva llengua, havien compartit una mica del seu "sol".
A day in which three friends had taught a stranger how to pronounce a word, had shared a bit of their language, had shared a bit of their "sun".