Lost in Barcelona: A Journey Through Time
FluentFiction - Catalan
Lost in Barcelona: A Journey Through Time
En un radiant dia de març, Marta i Jordi, dos amics inseparables, es trobaven amb les cames cansades de caminar pels sinuosos carrers del Barri Gòtic de Barcelona.
On a radiant March day, Marta and Jordi, two inseparable friends, found themselves with tired legs from walking the winding streets of Barcelona's Gothic Quarter.
Arribats des del seu tranquil poble d'Empordà, anhelaven saborejar les famoses tapes del bar que tant havien sentit a parlar, però el laberint de carrerons els tenia confusos i perduts.
Coming from their peaceful village in Empordà, they longed to taste the famous tapas of the bar they had heard so much about, but the maze of alleys had them confused and lost.
Sense senyals clars i distincions notables entre les pedres antigues, cada carrer semblava igual a l'anterior.
With no clear signs or notable distinctions between the ancient stones, each street seemed the same as the last.
En aquell moment, es trobaren amb una jove de somriure ampli i ulls brillants.
At that moment, they encountered a young woman with a wide smile and bright eyes.
Era Laia, una estudiant de fotografia que també deambulava perdamunt el barri buscant escenaris únics pel seu nou projecte.
It was Laia, a photography student who was also wandering around the neighborhood in search of unique scenes for her new project.
Els amics la saludaren efusius i li demanaren si sabia on es trobava el famós bar de tapes.
The friends greeted her warmly and asked if she knew where the famous tapas bar was.
Laia, malgrat no tenir massa orientació pel barri, volia ajudar.
Despite not being very familiar with the area, Laia wanted to help.
Llavors, amb convicció, però amb una pobra memoria per als noms i direccions en aquell lloc d'on ella mateixa era una visitant experimental, els va indicar un camí cap a un lloc que pensava que era la diana.
So, with conviction but a poor memory for names and directions in a place where she herself was an experimental visitor, she pointed them in a direction towards what she thought was the destination.
Amb confiança renovada, Marta i Jordi la van agrair i van seguir les indicacions de Laia.
With renewed confidence, Marta and Jordi thanked her and followed Laia's instructions.
Van caminar i caminar, però enlloc del bar aclamat, es van trobar davant una botiga antics llibres.
They walked and walked, but instead of the acclaimed bar, they found themselves in front of an antique bookstore.
Ràpidament, es van adonar de l'error comet, però lluny de sentir-se dolents, van mirar-se i van somriure.
Quickly, they realized the mistake they had made, but far from feeling upset, they looked at each other and smiled.
Acabaven de descobrir una botiga que semblava un tresor amagat, un viatge a través del temps.
They had just discovered a store that seemed like a hidden treasure, a journey through time.
Amb una sensació de contentament i una acceptació de la seva situació, van decidir entrar a la botiga.
With a feeling of contentment and an acceptance of their situation, they decided to enter the bookstore.
Aquell dia, en comptes de tapes es van omplir de l'encant dels llibres antics, del seu aroma avelaït i de les històries que guardaven les seves pàgines grogues.
That day, instead of tapas, they were filled with the charm of old books, their nutty aroma, and the stories that the yellowed pages held.
Mentrestant, Laia, es va adonar del seu error quan casualment va passar pel veritable bar de tapes.
Meanwhile, Laia realized her mistake when she coincidentally passed by the actual tapas bar.
Sentia una mica de penediment per haver els donat indicacions equivocades.
She felt a bit of regret for giving them the wrong directions.
Així que, sense pensar-ho dues vegades, va tornar ràpidament sobre els seus passos, trobant finalment a Marta i Jordi a la botiga de llibres.
So, without thinking twice, she quickly retraced her steps, finally finding Marta and Jordi at the bookstore.
Es van sorprendre en veure-la, però quan ella es va disculpar i va intentar corregir el seu error, ells simplement van riure.
They were surprised to see her, but when she apologized and tried to correct her mistake, they simply laughed.
Marta i Jordi li van explicar que estaven encantats amb la seva nova troballa.
Marta and Jordi explained that they were delighted with their new find.
Així, els tres van acabar passant la tarda submergits en llibres antics, deixant el famós bar de tapes per a una altra ocasió.
And so, the three of them ended up spending the afternoon immersed in old books, leaving the famous tapas bar for another occasion.
Aquell dia, Marta, Jordi i Laia van aprendre que a vegades, perdent-se, es troben les millors aventures i els llocs més inesperats.
That day, Marta, Jordi, and Laia learned that sometimes, in getting lost, the best adventures and the most unexpected places are found.