A Funny Legend of Barcelona: The Sandwich Mishap of Marta and Jordi
FluentFiction - Catalan
A Funny Legend of Barcelona: The Sandwich Mishap of Marta and Jordi
A les terres del bell Mestre Gaudí, on les flors de mil colors pinten els balcons i la Sagrada Família ensenyala el cel, allà viu una noia anomenada Marta. Amb ulls brillants com les estrelles i un somriure que feia que el sol semblés més radiant, Marta era el cor de Barcelona.
In the lands of the great Master Gaudí, where flowers of a thousand colors paint the balconies and the Sagrada Familia touches the sky, there lives a girl named Marta. With eyes shining like the stars and a smile that made the sun seem brighter, Marta was the heart of Barcelona.
El seu millor amic era un noi anomenat Jordi. Tenien una amistat màgica, tan fresca com l'aigua de la font de Canaletes i tan dolça com les xocolates de la Fira de Sant Josep Oriol.
Her best friend was a boy named Jordi. They had a magical friendship, as fresh as the water from the Canaletes fountain and as sweet as the chocolates from the Sant Josep Oriol Fair.
Un dia, pasejaven per l'estreta carrer de Petritxol, famosa per la seva xocolata suïssa, quan la gana els va atrapar. Varen entrar en una petita cafeteria anomenada "La Bella Juanita". La Marta, amb gana com un llop, va decidir prendre la iniciativa.
One day, they were strolling along the narrow street of Petritxol, famous for its Swiss chocolate, when hunger struck them. They entered a small café called "La Bella Juanita". Marta, hungry as a wolf, decided to take the lead.
- "Dona'ns dos bocadillos, si us plau" - va demanar Marta. El cambrer, un vell amb bigoti i somriure amable, va arrufar el nas, apuntant amb el dit al menú penjat darrere seu. Un menú ple de noms estranys i números grans.
- "Give us two sandwiches, please," Marta asked. The waiter, an old man with a mustache and a friendly smile, wrinkled his nose, pointing with his finger to the menu hanging behind him. The menu was full of strange names and large numbers.
Sense ulleres, la Marta no podia veure bé. Tot era tan borros per a ella com una boira matinal a Montjuic. Pensant que era el preu d'un sol bocadillo, va assenyalar un número gran. "Cent, si us plau," va dir.
Without her glasses, Marta couldn't see well. Everything was as blurry to her as a morning mist in Montjuic. Thinking it was the price of a single sandwich, she pointed at a large number. "A hundred, please," she said.
El vell cambrer es va aturar, es va girar cap a ella i amb un to seriós va dir: "Segur que vols cent bocadillos? És un munt de menjar per a dues persones, senyoreta".
The old waiter stopped, turned to her, and in a serious tone said, "Are you sure you want a hundred sandwiches? That's a lot of food for two people, miss."
El Jordi i la Marta es van mirar i es van posar vermells com els tomàquets del Mercat de Sant Josep, més conegut com La Boqueria. Aviat se'n van adonar de l'error i la cafeteria va esclatar en rialles.
Jordi and Marta looked at each other and blushed like the tomatoes of the Sant Josep Market, better known as La Boqueria. Soon they realized the mistake, and the café burst into laughter.
Amb l'ajuda del Jordi, la Marta va explicar l'error i finalment tots van riure bonament de l'incident. El vell cambrer, amb un somriure encara més amable, va dir: "Oh, no et preocupis, estimada, passa a vegades. Són dues unitats, no cent, oi?".
With Jordi's help, Marta explained the error, and everyone laughed heartily at the incident. The old waiter, with an even friendlier smile, said, "Oh, don't worry, my dear, it happens sometimes. It's two units, not a hundred, right?"
Finalment, varen tenir els seus bocadillos, els millors de tota Barcelona, i varen continuar el seu dia amb una rialla que va contagiar tota la ciutat i que encara es recorda cada cop que algú demana massa bocadillos a La Bella Juanita.
Finally, they got their sandwiches, the best in all of Barcelona, and they continued their day with a laugh that infected the entire city and is still remembered whenever someone orders too many sandwiches at La Bella Juanita.
I així, entre rialles i amistat, la història de la Marta i el Jordi es va convertir en una llegenda divertida de la ciutat de Barcelona. Fins i tot als moments més embarassosos, sempre hi ha un raig de sol per fer brillar el dia. I recorda, demana sempre clarament quants bocadillos vols, no vagis a acabar com la Marta!
And so, amidst laughter and friendship, the story of Marta and Jordi became a funny legend of the city of Barcelona. Even in the most embarrassing moments, there is always a ray of sunshine to brighten the day. And remember, always clearly ask for how many sandwiches you want, so you don't end up like Marta!