Teamwork Triumphs: Martí, Arnau & Laia's Tale
FluentFiction - Catalan
Teamwork Triumphs: Martí, Arnau & Laia's Tale
Martí i Arnau estaven emocionats pel concurs de torres humanes a les Festes de la Mercè.
Martí and Arnau were excited about the human tower competition at the Festes de la Mercè.
Com a membres de la colla local, respectivament, es van preparar per a la competició durant setmanes.
As members of the local gang, respectively, they prepared for the competition for weeks.
Els dos volien guanyar i fer que la seva colla fos la millor.
They both wanted to win and make their gang the best.
Mentre esperaven el seu torn, van veure la seva amiga Laia que corria amunt i avall pel festival.
As they waited their turn, they saw their friend Laia running up and down the festival.
Laia sempre havia estat una persona amb molta gana i aviat van descobrir que estava robant aperitius del tauler per a la construcció de torres.
Laia had always been a very hungry person and they soon discovered that she was stealing snacks from the tower building board.
Martí i Arnau es van mirar l'un a l'altre i van saber que havien de fer alguna cosa per aturar-la.
Martí and Arnau looked at each other and knew they had to do something to stop her.
Quan finalment va arribar el moment del concurs, Martí i Arnau es van esforçar al màxim per construir la torre més alta.
When it was finally time for the competition, Martí and Arnau tried their hardest to build the tallest tower.
Els altres membres de la colla els van ajudar a col·locar els nens a dalt per sobre dels seus caps, mentre ells dos sostenien la base de la torre.
The other members of the gang helped them place the children up above their heads, while the two of them held the base of the tower.
Laia va estar mirant-los des de la línia de banda, amb la seva boca plena de patates fregides.
Laia was watching them from the sideline, her mouth full of chips.
Tot i que la torre de Martí i Arnau no era la més alta, era la més estable i resistia el vent fort que bufava.
Although Martí and Arnau's tower was not the tallest, it was the most stable and withstood the strong wind that was blowing.
Laia va adonar-se que no els podria vèncer robant aperitius, havien construït una torre major que tots els seus plans astuts.
Laia realized that she couldn't beat them by stealing snacks, they had built a tower bigger than all her cunning plans.
Va admetre la seva derrota i es va deixar caure al terra, menjant una darrera patata.
He admitted defeat and dropped to the floor, eating one last potato.
Quan finalment van anunciar el guanyador del concurs, tothom va cantar les lloances de la torre de Martí i Arnau.
When they finally announced the winner of the competition, everyone sang the praises of Martí and Arnau's tower.
Van ser enlairats a l'aire per la seva victòria i se'ls va aplaudir fortament per la seva habilitat i destresa.
They were lifted into the air for their victory and loudly applauded for their skill and prowess.
Laia els va abraçar i els va felicitar per la seva excel·lent construcció.
Laia hugged them and congratulated them on their excellent construction.
Després de tota aquella emoció, Martí, Arnau i Laia van passar la resta de la nit gaudint de les festes, menjant-se entre tots els aperitius i balls.
After all that excitement, Martí, Arnau and Laia spent the rest of the night enjoying the festivities, eating between all the snacks and dancing.
Van sentir la satisfacció d'haver superat una prova difícil i de ser amics a través dels bons i dolents.
They felt the satisfaction of overcoming a difficult test and being friends through the good and the bad.
Van ser un gran equip, i això va ser més important que qualsevol concurs.
They were a great team, and that was more important than any contest.