Enjoying Picnics with Cunning: A Seagull Story
FluentFiction - Catalan
Enjoying Picnics with Cunning: A Seagull Story
Marta, Jordi i Laia decidiren que seria un bon dia per fer un pícnic al parc.
Marta, Jordi and Laia decided it would be a good day to have a picnic in the park.
Portaren una cistella plena de menjar i beguda i es dirigiren cap a un bon lloc sota un arbre.
They carried a basket full of food and drink and headed for a good spot under a tree.
Just quan estaven a punt de començar, un grup de gavines arribaren i començaren a fer soroll i a volar al voltant.
Just as they were about to start, a group of seagulls arrived and started making noise and flying around.
Marta va intentar espantar-les amb un pal i Laia va agitar els braços, però les gavines no van marxar.
Marta tried to scare them away with a stick and Laia waved her arms, but the seagulls didn't leave.
Les gavines estaven intentant robar-li el menjar i beure l'aigua que els havien portat.
The seagulls were trying to steal his food and drink the water that had been brought to them.
Jordi va intentar fer un fum per espantar-les, però no va funcionar.
Jordi tried to make a smoke to scare them, but it didn't work.
Les gavines continuaven acostant-se per robar el menjar.
The seagulls kept coming to steal the food.
Finalment, Jordi va tenir una idea.
Finally, Jordi had an idea.
Va agafar la cistella plena de menjar i la va col·locar en un lloc on les gavines no podien arribar.
He took the basket full of food and placed it in a place where the seagulls could not reach.
Va col·locar un plat de menjar per a les gavines per a què no estiguessin tan famolenques.
He placed a dish of food for the seagulls so that they would not be so hungry.
Les gavines van estar distretes menjant el menjar del plat mentre Marta, Jordi i Laia van poder gaudir del seu pícnic sense ser interromputs.
The seagulls were distracted eating the food on the plate while Marta, Jordi and Laia were able to enjoy their picnic without being interrupted.
Després del pícnic, van recollir la cistella i el plat i van llençar la resta de menjar que havia quedat al terra.
After the picnic, they picked up the basket and plate and threw the rest of the food on the floor.
Jordi va dir: "Això ens recordarà que sempre hem de ser astuts per poder gaudir de les coses boniques de la vida.
Jordi said: "This will remind us that we must always be cunning in order to enjoy the beautiful things in life."
" tothom es va riure i van decidir tornar al parc en el futur, però amb la intenció de portar més menjar i plaques per a les gavines.
everyone laughed and decided to return to the park in the future, but with the intention of bringing more food and plates for the seagulls.