Finding the Perfect Gift: Jordi's Perseverance on La Rambla
FluentFiction - Catalan
Finding the Perfect Gift: Jordi's Perseverance on La Rambla
Jordi camina per la Rambla.
Jordi walks down the Rambla.
Els intèrprets de carrer intenten aturar-lo, però ell vol comprar un record per a la seva mare.
The street performers try to stop him, but he wants to buy a souvenir for his mother.
La Rambla és una avinguda molt transitada, plena de gent de tot el món.
La Rambla is a very busy avenue, full of people from all over the world.
Jordi busca una botiga de records per a la seva mare, però no en troba cap.
Jordi looks for a souvenir shop for his mother, but can't find one.
Finalment, veu una botiga de records i entra.
Finally, he sees a souvenir shop and enters.
El propietari li ofereix diversos records, però Jordi no pot decidir-se.
The owner offers him several souvenirs, but Jordi can't decide.
La botiga està plena de postals, imants i somriures de la ciutat.
The shop is full of postcards, magnets and smiles from the city.
Jordi veu un imant amb forma de gat, i decideix comprar-lo per a la seva mare.
Jordi sees a magnet in the shape of a cat, and decides to buy it for his mother.
Quan està a punt de sortir de la botiga, una intèrpret de carrer s'acosta a ell i li pregunta si vol escoltar música.
As he is about to leave the store, a street performer approaches him and asks if he wants to listen to music.
Jordi respon que no i segueix caminant.
Jordi says no and keeps walking.
De sobte, una mà estira la seva samarreta.
Suddenly, a hand tugs at his shirt.
Jordi es gira i veu que un altre intèrpret de carrer li ofereix un espectacle de música.
Jordi turns around and sees that another street performer is offering him a music show.
Jordi diu que no i intenta caminar més ràpid.
Jordi says no and tries to walk faster.
Però mentre intenta esquivar els intèrprets de carrer, Jordi es perd.
But while trying to avoid the street performers, Jordi gets lost.
No sap on és i es posa nerviós.
He doesn't know where he is and gets nervous.
Veig la botiga de records a la distància i corre cap al lloc.
I see the souvenir shop in the distance and run towards the place.
Finalment, arriba a la botiga de records de nou i compra l'imant amb forma de gat per a la seva mare.
Finally, he reaches the souvenir shop again and buys the cat magnet for his mother.
Se'n va content, sentint-se molt lleuger.
He left happy, feeling very light.
La Rambla és un lloc animat i ple de vida, i Jordi està content de trobar el regal perfecte per a la seva mare.
La Rambla is a lively place full of life, and Jordi is happy to find the perfect gift for his mother.
Així, gràcies a la seva perseverança i paciència, Jordi aconsegueix comprar un record meravellós per a la seva mare i esquivar els intèrprets de carrer avorrits.
Thus, thanks to his perseverance and patience, Jordi manages to buy a wonderful souvenir for his mother and avoid the boring street performers.