Finding the Perfect Ham: A Boqueria Market Adventure
FluentFiction - Catalan
Finding the Perfect Ham: A Boqueria Market Adventure
Marta i Marc estaven al mercat de la Boqueria buscant un bon jamó ibèric sencer per a la seva festa d'aniversari.
Marta and Marc were at the Boqueria market looking for a good whole Iberian ham for their birthday party.
Després de caminar per tot el mercat, van trobar el jamó perfecte, però el preu era una mica massa elevat per al seu pressupost.
After walking all over the market, they found the perfect ham, but the price was a little too high for their budget.
Marc va començar a regatejar amb el venedor mentre que Marta examinava el jamó per assegurar-se que era de la qualitat adequada.
Marc began haggling with the seller while Marta examined the ham to make sure it was of the right quality.
Van oferir una quantitat menor, però el venedor no estava disposat a cedir.
They offered a lower amount, but the seller was not willing to budge.
En aquest moment, van veure en Jordi que es dirigia cap a ells amb la boca plena de mostres gratuïtes.
At that moment, they saw Jordi walking towards them with a mouth full of free samples.
Jordi en va oferir una a Marta, que la va acceptar gràcies a la seva esplèndida naturalesa.
Jordi offered one to Marta, who accepted it thanks to her splendid nature.
Mentrestant, Marc continuava regatejant amb el venedor fins que va arribar a un acord.
Meanwhile, Marc continued to haggle with the seller until he reached an agreement.
Els tres van celebrar la compra del jamó amb una degustació deliciosa, amb la qual cosa Van arribar a la conclusió que el seu esforç havia valgut la pena.
The three celebrated the purchase of the ham with a delicious tasting, with which they came to the conclusion that their effort had been worth it.
A la nit de la festa d'aniversari, els amics van gaudir d'un banquete espectacular amb el jamó ibèric sencer com a plat principal.
On the night of the birthday party, the friends enjoyed a spectacular banquet with whole Iberian ham as the main course.
Tots van estar molt contents i agraïts per la troballa que havien fet al mercat de la Boqueria.
They were all very happy and grateful for the find they had made at the Boqueria market.
Després de la festa, Marta, Marc i Jordi van passejar per la ciutat, degustant gelats i compartint bromes fins a la matinada, feliços de la sort que tenien de tenir uns amics tan meravellosos.
After the party, Marta, Marc and Jordi walked around the city, tasting ice creams and sharing jokes until the early hours of the morning, happy that they were lucky to have such wonderful friends.