A Wolf Poo Adventure in Barcelona
FluentFiction - Catalan
A Wolf Poo Adventure in Barcelona
Jordi, Martí i Laia estaven caminant per Barcelona quan van decidir que era hora de fer un mos a una cafeteria.
Jordi, Martí and Laia were walking around Barcelona when they decided it was time to have a bite at a cafe.
Van entrar-hi i van mirar el menú.
They went in and looked at the menu.
"Jo vull una coca de llops!
"I want a wolf cake!"
" va dir Laia.
said Laia.
"Jo també vull una coca de llops", va afegir Martí.
"I also want a cake of wolves," added Martí.
Jordi es va girar cap al cambrer i va intentar demanar la mateixa cosa en català.
Jordi turned to the waiter and tried to ask for the same thing in Catalan.
"Una caca de llops, si us plau", va dir.
“A wolf poo please,” he said.
Tots els altres clients es van girar a mirar-lo i es van començar a riure.
All the other customers turned to look at him and started laughing.
Jordi no sabia per què tothom s'estava rient, així que va mirar el menú de nou.
Jordi didn't know why everyone was laughing, so he looked at the menu again.
Aleshores, va veure que en comptes de demanar una "coca de llops", havia demanat una "caca de llops"!
Then he saw that instead of asking for a "wolf poop", he had asked for a "wolf poo"!
Laia i Martí van riure a carcajades.
Laia and Martí laughed out loud.
Fins i tot el cambrer es va ajupir de riure.
Even the waiter bent over laughing.
Jordi estava avergonyit, però també es va posar a riure amb els altres.
Jordi was embarrassed, but he also started laughing with the others.
Finalment, el cambrer va portar-los les coca de llops i van decidir que eren les millors que havien tastat mai.
Finally, the waiter brought them the wolf cakes and they decided they were the best they had ever tasted.
Després de fer una bona mossegada, Laia va dir: "suposo que ara sabem que has d'anomenar les coses pel seu nom correcte".
After taking a good bite, Laia said, "I guess now we know you have to call a spade a spade."
Tots van riure de nou i van passar el temps a la cafeteria, xerrant i fent bromes.
They all laughed again and passed the time in the cafeteria, chatting and joking.
Quan van sortir, van adonar-se que havien passat una tarda molt divertida i inoblidable a Barcelona, que recordarien per sempre.
When they left, they realized that they had spent a very fun and unforgettable evening in Barcelona, which they would remember forever.