City Girl's Market Mix-Up: Goat or Cushion?
FluentFiction - Afrikaans
City Girl's Market Mix-Up: Goat or Cushion?
In die sagte oggendlig van 'n Saterdag, toe die Boeremark sy kleurvolle stalles uitsprei, het Suzie besluit dit was die perfekte dag om iets uniek vir haar woonstel te soek.
On a bright Saturday morning, when the Farmer's Market laid out its colorful stalls, Suzie decided it was the perfect day to find something unique for her apartment.
Met haar groot sonskermhoed en 'n huppel in haar stap, het sy tussen die stalletjies deur gedwaal, die geure van vars gebakte brode en soet vrugte in haar neusgange opgedrink.
With her large sunhat and a skip in her step, she wandered through the stalls, breathing in the scents of freshly baked bread and sweet fruits.
Daar, tussen die warboel van mense, by 'n klein tafeltjie met 'n bord wat "Groot Uitverkoping!" skree, sien Suzie dit - 'n groot, donsige "kussing".
There, amidst the bustle of people, at a small table with a sign that read "Big Sale!," Suzie saw it - a large, fluffy "cushion."
Dit is die sagste ding wat sy nog ooit gevoel het, en sonder om 'n tweede gedagte te gee, wissel sy haar grrotjie vir die aankoop.
It was the softest thing she had ever felt, and without a second thought, she traded her money for the purchase.
"Nou wat het jy daar, Suzie?" vra 'n bekende stem agter haar. Johan, haar ou skoolvriend, wie se liefde vir die stad en sy vinnige lewe geen perke ken nie, staar na die donsige bondel in haar arms.
"Now what do you have there, Suzie?" asked a familiar voice behind her. Johan, her old school friend, whose love for the city and its fast-paced life knows no bounds, stared at the fluffy bundle in her arms.
Suzie draai om met 'n selfvoldane glimlag.
Suzie turned around with a self-satisfied smile.
"Ek het die wonderlikste kussing gekoop, Johan! Kyk hoe sag!"
"I bought the most wonderful cushion, Johan! Look how soft it is!"
Maar voordat Johan kan reageer, begin die "kussing" beweeg. En nie net beweeg nie, maar bleet! Verskrik spring Suzie agteruit net om uit te vind sy het nie 'n kussing gekoop nie, maar 'n lewendige bok!
But before Johan could react, the "cushion" started to move. And not just move, but bleat! Startled, Suzie jumped back only to find she hadn't bought a cushion, but a live goat!
"Oh jinne, Suzie! Dis 'n bok, nie 'n kussing nie," lag Johan, alhoewel sy blik bekommerd is. "Hoe gaan jy hom terug na die stad neem?"
"Oh dear, Suzie! That's a goat, not a cushion," laughed Johan, although his expression was concerned. "How are you going to take him back to the city?"
Die twee vriende kyk na die bok, wat nou heel tevrede tussen die boere se tafels deur maling, sonder 'n kommer in die wêreld.
The two friends looked at the goat, which was now contentedly strolling among the farmers' tables, without a care in the world.
Johan krap sy kop en kyk na die bok wat al meer aandag begin trek. "Ons sal 'n plan moet maak," besluit hy.
Scratching his head, Johan looks at the goat, which is starting to attract more attention. "We'll have to make a plan," he decides.
Hulle stry teen die gedrang van mense en maak hul pad na die parkeerarea, met die bok volg saam asof hy deel van die geselskap is.
They struggle through the crowd of people and make their way to the parking area, with the goat following along as if it's part of the company.
Daar aangekom, sien hulle 'n klein vragtaxi waarvan die bestuurder blykbaar 'n ogie knip.
Once there, they see a small cargo taxi whose driver seems to be winking.
"Suzie, ek dink ek het 'n idee," sê Johan. Hulle benader die vragtaxi bestuurder en na 'n bietjie oortuiging en die belowing van 'n paar ekstra note, stem die bestuurder in om die bok terug na Suzie se plek te ry.
"Suzie, I think I have an idea," says Johan. They approach the cargo taxi driver and after a bit of persuasion and the promise of a few extra notes, the driver agrees to take the goat back to Suzie's place.
Die rit terug na die stad is 'n avontuur op sy eie. Mense staar as hulle by verkeersligte stop, 'n bok in 'n vragtaxi is nie iets wat jy elke dag sien nie. Die bok bly egter rustig, asof hy weet dat sy nuwe vriende die beste vir hom beplan.
The ride back to the city is an adventure in itself. People stare as they stop at traffic lights - a goat in a cargo taxi is not something you see every day. The goat, however, remains calm, as if he knows that his new friends have the best plans for him.
Uiteindelik, na 'n senuweeagtige rit, bereik hulle Suzie se woonstel. Die buurman se oë rek soos pierings toe hulle die bok uitlaai.
Finally, after a nerve-wracking ride, they reach Suzie's apartment. The neighbor's eyes widen as they unload the goat.
Binnenshuis begin die bok rusteloos rondloop en Suzie besef dadelik dat 'n woonstel nie 'n plek vir 'n bok is nie. "Ag, Johan, wat gaan ons doen? Ek kan nie 'n bok in my woonstel hou nie!"
Indoors, the goat starts to restlessly roam around, and Suzie realizes immediately that an apartment is not a place for a goat. "Oh, Johan, what are we going to do? I can't keep a goat in my apartment!"
Die antwoord kom vinniger as wat hulle verwag het. Die buurman, wie 'n klein plot buite die stad besit, bied dadelik aan om die bok oor te neem. Hy het altyd 'n sagte plek vir diere gehad en het selfs 'n paar ander bokke.
The answer comes faster than they expected. The neighbor, who owns a small plot outside the city, immediately offers to take the goat in. He has always had a soft spot for animals and even has a few other goats.
Met 'n sug van verligting en 'n belofte om die bok gereeld te besoek, stem Suzie toe. Die bok lyk dadelik vervuld met sy nuwe bestemming.
With a sigh of relief and a promise to visit the goat regularly, Suzie agrees. The goat immediately seems content with his new destination.
En so eindig 'n dag vol onverwagse wendings met 'n tevredenheid wat net 'n dag by die Boeremark kan bring. Terwyl Suzie en Johan terugstap Boeremark toe, lag hulle oor Suzie se domkoppigheid en die avontuur wat dit gebring het.
And so a day full of unexpected turns ends with a satisfaction that only a day at the Farmer's Market can bring. As Suzie and Johan walk back to the Farmer's Market, they laugh about Suzie's stubbornness and the adventure it brought.
Volgende keer sal Suzie seker maak om dubbeld na te gaan waarvoor sy betaal, maar iets vertel my dat hulle hierdie dag vir nog 'n lang tyd sal koester. En miskien, net miskien, is 'n bok as 'n kussing nie so sleg nie - solank dit in die regte huis is.
Next time, Suzie will make sure to double-check what she's buying, but something tells me they will cherish this day for a long time. And maybe, just maybe, a goat as a cushion isn't so bad - as long as it's in the right home.