Train Missed, Adventure Found!
FluentFiction - Afrikaans
Train Missed, Adventure Found!
Die oggendlug was gevul met die geluide van bewegende mense en treine wat fluit.
The morning was filled with the sounds of moving people and whistling trains.
Johan, Pieter en Lize was op pad na 'n avontuur, maar hulle het eers by Die Spurwegstasie gestop om 'n laaste koffie te geniet voor hulle lange dag begin.
Johan, Pieter, and Lize were on their way to an adventure, but they first stopped at the Railway Station to enjoy one last coffee before their long day began.
Terwyl die drie vriende lag en grappies maak, wag hulle vir hulle beurt by die koffiewinkel.
As the three friends laughed and joked, they waited their turn at the coffee shop.
Die geur van sterk koffie het die lug gevul, en die geroesemoes van die stasie het 'n gevoel van opwinding gebring.
The scent of strong coffee filled the air, and the bustling of the station brought a sense of excitement.
"Kom ons bestel vinnig, ek wil nie hê ons moet die trein mis nie," het Johan angstig gesê, terwyl hy op sy horlosie kyk.
"Let's order quickly, I don't want us to miss the train," Johan anxiously said while looking at his watch.
Pieter, wat altyd rustig was, lag en antwoord, "Moenie bekommer nie, ons het baie tyd.
Pieter, always calm, laughed and replied, "Don't worry, we have plenty of time."
" Maar Lize het effens senuweeagtig gelyk soos sy rondgekyk en na die groot klok op die stasie se muur gewys het.
But Lize looked slightly nervous as she looked around and pointed to the large clock on the station wall.
Die koffie was uiteindelik gereed, en met bekers in hulle hande draai hulle om, net om te sien hoe hulle trein, met 'n hoorbare sug, wegtrek van die platform af.
The coffee was finally ready, and with cups in their hands, they turned around, only to see their train, with an audible sigh, pulling away from the platform.
Dit kan nie wees nie!
This can't be!"
" skree Lize.
exclaimed Lize.
"Ek het dit jou gesê!
"I told you so!"
" Johan sê, sy oë groot van verbasing.
Johan said, his eyes wide with surprise.
"Wat gaan ons nou doen?
"What are we going to do now?"
"Pieter, met 'n kalm glimlag, sê, "Ons sal 'n plan moet maak.
Pieter, with a calm smile, said, "We will have to make a plan.
Kom ons gaan praat met die stasiebestuurder en kyk of daar 'n ander trein is of dalk kan ons 'n lift kry.
Let's go talk to the station master and see if there is another train or maybe we can catch a ride."
"Hulle het vinnig na die bestuurder se kantoor gehardloop, waar hulle die situasie uitgelê het.
They quickly ran to the station master's office, where they explained the situation.
Die stasiebestuurder, 'n vriendelike ou oom met 'n spierwit baard, het deur sy bril na hulle gekyk en gesê, "Ek is jammer om te hoor van jul dilemma.
The station master, a friendly old man with a snow-white beard, looked at them through his glasses and said, "I am sorry to hear about your dilemma.
Daar is 'n volgende trein, maar eers vanmiddag.
There is another train, but not until this afternoon."
"Die vriende besluit om te wag.
The friends decided to wait.
Terwyl hulle tyd deurbring deur kaarte te speel en stories te deel, raak hulle eensklaps bewus van 'n onverwagse geleentheid - 'n groep toeriste soek geselskap op hulle busrit deur die dorp.
As they passed the time playing cards and sharing stories, they suddenly became aware of an unexpected opportunity - a group of tourists seeking company on their bus tour through the village.
Na 'n kort gesprek, het Johan, Pieter en Lize saam met die toeriste op 'n onvergeetlike oggendtoer deur die mooiste dele van die dorp gegaan.
After a brief conversation, Johan, Pieter, and Lize went on an unforgettable morning tour of the most beautiful parts of the village with the tourists.
Dit was 'n onverwagse wending in hulle reis wat hulle selfs beter ervarings verskaf het as wat die oorspronklike treinrit sou gebied het.
It was an unexpected turn in their journey that provided them with even better experiences than the original train ride would have offered.
Toe hulle uiteindelik later die middag op die volgende trein klim, het hulle met nuwe vriende en vol harte afgesit na hulle oorspronklike bestemming.
When they finally boarded the next train later in the afternoon, they set off with new friends and full hearts to their original destination.
Soms, het hulle geleer, lei 'n onvoorsiene probleem jou na 'n avontuur wat jy nooit sou kon droom nie.
Sometimes, they learned, an unforeseen problem leads you to an adventure you could never have dreamed of.
En so, met hul avontuurlustigheid bevredig, het Johan, Pieter en Lize hulle reis voortgesit, opgewonde oor wat nog voorlê.
And so, satisfied in their adventurous spirit, Johan, Pieter, and Lize continued their journey, excited about what lies ahead.